I've been working on the trunk setup over the past few days now and just got a rough idea down for a show this past weekend. I�ve been tossing ideas around a lot and this is what it will look like for show season this year. I know the pictures aren�t the best, but you get the idea. The top of the box is going to have the amps (3 of them).....The caps will be on the left side of the trunk behind the bottle.....There's not much I can do with the right side because of the fuel filler hoses.....The bottom will eventually be cut open to house a few other "things"

Also, everything isn't gray...It was the lighting....It's actually black.....And I know the Nitrous Bottle isn't hooked up.....I had just gotten it back from the painter the morning of the show and put it in. The line hadn't been cut through the floor because I wasn't sure where I was going to put it.......
<img src = "http://www.modified-motorsports.com/4images/data/media/95/dsc01594.jpg">
<img src = "http://www.modified-motorsports.com/4images/data/media/95/dsc01596.jpg">
And here�s a few pictures from the show��..I took home 1st in my class and was also filmed and interviewed by ESPN�..It should air sometime in October���
<img src = "http://www.modified-motorsports.com/4images/data/media/95/dsc01599.jpg">
<img src = "http://www.modified-motorsports.com/4images/data/media/95/dsc01598.jpg">
<img src = "http://www.modified-motorsports.com/4images/data/media/95/dsc01597.jpg">
Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it so much!!
Im ...............................wet!
" Im 18 more mature than you" - Bortsy!!
Do you have Dad racing seats?
Very nice joe, keep it up
congrats on the 1st place and the interview. i love your paint job. so sick. keep up the good work.
oh my god..thats a monster.
Thanks for the comments guys. The hood wasn't popped because most people like to take pictures with it down. I pop it for the judges......It wasn't in full show mode because it looked like it was going to rain in the morning. I usually have a much bigger setup with a fog machine and more skulls and flames......Yeah....I'm a freak
Looking great as usual Joe! Best of luck this season
The Car is For Sale: Info? Travis@TunerRevolution.com
psssh...ESPN...hahha. That's nothing, I got interviewed by my local high school morning tv crew. Should be airing soon they told me
LOL, car is looking nice as always bro, keep it up man.

"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
I agree it looks good. BUT... it just seems too plain compared to the rest of your car. you know what I mean?
Big-L (Luc)

'04 Sunfire SL
Ottawa's premier car and lifestyle event!
Premium wrote:First off congrats again Joe. Told you that you wouldnt lose.
I know for sure that if i went to a car show and saw him.. i know for a fact that i would turn my car around and leave..
i wouldnt have a chance.

Great ride!!!
What do you think of this idea for your Sunfire for the trunk:
1. The box with molded skull on it on top and around the flames.
2. Add LEDs on the skull eyes attached to your trunk light.
I've always wanted to do something with the trunk light of some car. I just didn't know how I would do it. You seem to have the most perfect theme. I have some more ideas for your car.....the possiblities are endless!!!
<a href="http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/499831"</a><img src="http://www.geocities.com/cloud_rider9/new-sig-copy.gif">
Unleash the Power of the Sun
Looks hot man! Great work!
im a @!#$ pussy ass liar! i lied to my girlfriend over and over, sat around with her friends naked and stayed home downloading porn...she loved me and i hurt her...i deserve to be alone and unhappy...no wonder every girl i try to love leaves me...i suck.
Thanks for all the comments
I know it looks a bit plain right now, but trust me.....It will be pretty sick when it's done. The original plan was to fiberglass it all, but I ran out of time for this season. It'll be changing after the season, but the idea will basically be the same.
Matt (Premium) - Thanks for the pics

The rack should look pretty hot.....I had a few more ideas the other night on the drive home.....I'll send them tomorrow......And you know me and shows.....I don't think I'll ever be 100% confident about a show.....
Funny you guys should mention the skulls with led eyes.....I actually had something like that drawn up in the design, but scrapped it for now. I have a few more ideas that may come into play though......Actually, I just thought of one......Hmmmm.....