Definitely a step in the right direction compared to the first 2 pics you posted there. I woulda rather taken a full buddy club 2 kit - it's such a nice kit for our cars. Are you planning on lowering it? I know the rear bumper's gonna be a pain if you do.
Looks pretty good so far, keep it up!
the blue, black, silver, gray color sceme is a lil wild... i like it but id say tone it down to about 2 colors
I wanted to go with black seat's but I got the seats for 120, and I need new covers but they only come in like 3 colors as replacements or i would have the black ones or silver ones. but they don't just sell that color. : / Mainly the interior color is black and silver. and there is going to be some blue in there. and I'm figuring blue neons in the interior as added to add to the color. But heck you can' beat 120 for a pair of seats that go for 220 a piece that also included harnesses. I just wanted black and silver. but gotta work with what I have. Plan on having the fabric in blue and rear seat being redone in blue like the seats. Thanks for the comments. Oh and the first 2 pics is how I purchased the car. the kid put money into it and then beat the car. : / I got the remains and working on reincarnating it. I plan to lower it for shows, but around my area it just wouldn't work to drive it around lowered. I have a heck of a time now with it. But I will either be going with gravana's coilover system. or going airbags.
did you dye the fabric on the door panels? if so, what kind of dye did you use? and are you recovering the back seat yourself, or going somewhere to get it done? I'm in the same boat, just wondering how you were going about it
Looks good so far. I like your choice of kit with the exception of the sides, I think your old Bomex sides woudl have looked much better.
Other then taht its comming a long nicely
<img src="">
"Louis, you better watch who you call a child. Because if I'm a child,
that makes you a pedafile, and I'm not gonna stand here and argue
with a pervert" -- Peter Griffin
I like those seats. And boo cordless dremel's suck. mine dies so fast, i just went out and bought a micro die grinder, so much better
<img src="" alt="cr0nus" border="0">
the cordless do suck. I have an air powered one I can use

Yeah I sorta wanted the bomex when I seen how the combats looked but someone bought them off me and I really needed the cash so I wasn't gonna fight it. but that is what next year is for.

I bought some fabric paint. I wouldn't recommend the stuff. The price for it and the quality of it isn't worth it. I'm probably going to end up getting some new fabric about the color of the seats so the blues are matching. i may try doing the stuff myself with the recovering of the seats, but if it is looking like I can't do it then I'm going to try finding someone to do it for me.
How do you think the Konig Theory gunmetal with polished lip would look?
hot i like your interior, thats how im doing mine
you'll have to get some pics of it. Want to see what it looks like. i have a long ways to go yet.
CLean up the inside and it'll be good to go.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
I basically live in my car. all it seems like I do is work, sleep and work some more. usually my cars are garbage free but lately it has been the oposite of that. I'm hoping I can get the interrior cleaned up and better looking.
You should paint it gunmetal, that dark color looks sexy on your car
That is a good ideal. I wanted to go with some sorta black. and that would be shinny but not shinny shinny. Also Planned is a custom air brushed graphics
Sorry but I think it looks realy weird that the sides skirts dont hang near as low as the front and rear bumpers.
I am all that is man
That is one set back. But I don't really think there is to many that match in aspects of the front and rear bumpers. Cause even that bomex didn't match. I noticed it as well. Kinda sucks, but that is why we work on them. If you happen to know of some ss that would possibly match hook me up with some names so i can look at them and see if i find some that i like
I'd say get the Blitz / Drift sideskirts or possibly even the BC2 skirts to match up with the front and back because it just looks really weird with the ones you have. They need to be much lower. If it was my car id say Streetfire sides.

It's coming along quite nicely, good work!
those sides do not go well at all
and im not a fan of the blitz, but thats more personal taste
the bomex sides went a lot better
The bomex sides sat the same way as the combat's
I have had allot of complements from everyone, and I'm in a perdicament right now. I'm thinking of changing the front end up right now because I through a stock z24 front on it and everything looks to line up a whole heck of allot better than it does with the blitz. The front hits in with the sides and for the most part the sides appear to match up with the rear. What front bumper do you guys think would look good. I'm thinking bc2, Vis Striker, vis showoff, verses sf , also like the xplosion front as well. Just not sure how they would line with the combat sides, combat front. anyone know or could maybe do some shops of it so I can see what it may look like. I'm not sure if I can find any pics that will closely match or not. Just want to get an ideal of how well things are going to line up and blend. Any help is appreciated.
Car is looking HOT. Just change your sides to match up with the front/rear better and you will have a sweet a$$ ride.
Good work man
you took that car on a 180 degree turn around, nice work
Yeah, I have some series fiberglassing I have to do to the front bumper as of right now. Since I had to remove the custom turns I installed in the car. So I had to close up the gapping wounds on the front end. I will try to post some pics of what it looks like with the z24 bumper so you guys will see what I'm seeing, Just waiting for my cam to get back to me. Also anyone know of anywhere else to host pics. Photobucket is starting ot have a fit because I hit like 1000megs.