Looks great! Only thing I'd change is to take off the side moldings. See it at the bbq!
Looks real nice man! Very well done. Gimmi your engine!
Good work...you know I hate you though for having lambo doors and I don't have them. Hope you like being lowered.
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Current to do list:
Molding will get removed.
Calipers and rotors will get painted.
Gonna clear corner and paint the headlights
Lots of fiberglassed parts
get rid of those blue fogs inho...other then that tight

Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
Yeah looks good i dont like the fog lights but hey if you like em keep em all in all i think the car looks great.
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Tabasco Racing
I like it a lot, man--but def. lose the foglights. Keep up the good work and keep with the "clean" look.
WOW! What a ricer!
Haha just playing man. You know I love it. The drop makes it look spectacular, I'm not sure I would change a thing on your car. Easily one of my top 5 favorite J's. Very clean, very nice. Keep up the awesome work
very nice man, that is exactly what i have been planning to do to my valve/idi cover to match the AEM intake. do you have any better pics of it? if so email them to me... viper_brad@hotmail.com
and also if you could include any "tips/how to" you may have for when i actually do it. thanks in advance. and keep up the awsome work!!!

I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it
looks good
only thing i see is in this pic your paint on the body kit ant the car look like diffrent shades of yellow
looks tight craig, hit me up about those seats...
Looks good man. How is the agx/pro-kit combo? My stuff arrived the other day via UPS.
It's a lil squeaky right now and I'm not sure why. The tigher suspension combined with the 1.4" drop makes you feel like you're driving faster. I'm lovin' it.
nice whip man!!! lookin real good
nice looking car. a suggestion would be to trim the opening on the front bumper. looks like a grampa without any teeth lol. anyway keep it up
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looks nice Id loose the fogs
Looks great craig!
I do however agree with the people from above, and how you should remove the fogs...or maybe relocate them.
Ever consider painting mirrors or handles?

Portage, MI