SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them man
it looks nice, real nice
how is the light output after putting that in?
and by removable, you mean that youre just gonna put it in for shows?
that my friend is fxuckin bad ass, awesome job!!!!!!!!! quality custom work at its best. cant hold a match to it

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props on the custom work but i think if you made custom projector headlights and had the entire inside CF it would be alot better.
nice how long did that take?
Looks great. Will definitely match your car well. I'd copy you, but I don't want CF on my exterior
<a href=""><img src="">
Wow! That looks sick, great quality too!
looks pimp anthony. will go perfectly with the car.
i will be leaving these housings in all the time, but they are removable, so if i ever want to take them out i can. the light out put is the same as when i had the headlights black housing. it really doesnt effect them enough that you would notice.
it did take some time to make these. i had to take apart my headlights and make a mold. then i had to make a fiberglass version first. once that worked i made the carbon fiber one. im not sure how long it took but i think it was the most challenging thing ive done yet.
im very impressed, those are simply amazing, mad props on the ideas and work you do, i love your car, in my opinion its the nicest looking cavy ive ever seen. I do have a question, i have a buddy with a carbon fiber hood, the corner of it is chipped a bit, the weave is still great but i was wondering how could he fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated man, again hot lights, i love em
well you will need some clear carbon fiber resin to fix the hood. build up on the place of the chip by painting tghe resin on layer by layer. once it is built up you will have to sand it smooth. start with 180 grit and slowly work your way up to 1000. then the whole hood will have to be recleared but if done properly should look better than new! e mail me for any further quistions1 hope that helps.

.......those look amazing......u do some amazing work with carbon fiber and its original at that......its jus..... its jus awesome......
more challanging than your interior?
Nice work for sure those look sick...

I like my women like I like my cars, Topless and Shaven.