Alright as many know I am a home owner now. So modding the cavy is going to be placed on the back burner........................Well, I installed a OEM CF hood on the other day! Tell me what you guys think. I know many will hate on me cause I have CF hood with Chrome rims. Yep its kinda weird but Im more into the looks than speed. The chrome rims will be on as soon as I get new tires. Well this is how it looks now. Feed back is greatly appreciated!
I know its dirty but I clean it up!
After.......Yes I pinned the hood(no pics). I 'll post pics once the rims are on!!
Should I keep the GTS headlight covers or loose them??
Let me know what you JBO members think!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
keep the headlight covers off
it looks funny with them on
otherwise its hot
^^ wut he said. i only like the headlight covers on the all black themes, but even then i like the black projectors better... looks great otherwise.
Check out my build thread!
keep the headlight covers on but get rid of the white text on them first.
Headlights covers = apc stickers = ghey. Everything else looks good i like the hood.
It looks really clean, i would lose the headlight covers, the stock z wheels look better than the chrome. Your car looks really good. keep it up, and good luck on the house.
i agree with everyone else and remove the strap on the red top battery...
I think that I saw you driving in Geneva last week?.....Unless you have a twin?
get rid of the headlight covers
honda's are like tampons.......
headlight covers need to go... i think black wheels with chrome lip would look awesome on ur car...

FS: 18" RO_JA Formula 5's w/tires..$1150 obo!
get rid of the covers.....but i acctually kinda like the car better on the stock z wheels then i do the other ones you have...
i really dont think the covers look that bad with the hood
no covers and i dunno about chrome and CF...
thank you very much. now i know what carbon fiber on purple looks like.
well, i say keep the headlight covers on, but take off the "GTO" stickers first. and i like the chrome wheels, too, but get bigger tires (215/45's)
i generally hate them... but for some reason i kinda like the covers on your car.
Adam (StealthCavalier) wrote:i generally hate them... but for some reason i kinda like the covers on your car.
Agreed. For some reason I think it flows well.
Just wetsand off the decal and hit them with a clearcoat

Interior FAQ -
J-Body of Michigan -
yeah keep them off, and where in chicago are you located?
usually i hate headlight covers, this wouldnt be one of them.
keep them
usually i hate euro tailights, this would be one of them.
lose them
other then that, coolness
I think that I saw you driving in Geneva last week?.....Unless you have a twin?
^ Yep just bought a place in Batavia. It was me. If I see ya I will flag you down.
thank you very much. now i know what carbon fiber on purple looks like.
Hey I do what I can. Gotta love the purple cavys!
yeah keep them off, and where in chicago are you located?
I now live in the Batavia, Just got my own place. (west suburbs)
Thanks for the info and comments. And if any body in ILLINOIS sees me honk and wave and we can cruise together.

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me