Well I dont know if you all know the story but I kinda got Fed over on my engine swap.... so I dropped the fire and got my talon, but the fire is comming back.... and soon to be back in all black.... here are some of the pics:
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/carbonfire/redefinedtsisig8qa.jpg">
Looks awsome. I would just say paint it all one colour and get some rims. other then that sweet looking fire!!

I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it
welcome back
what happened to the blue car?
jnickel wrote:welcome back
what happened to the blue car?
I was wondering that too, glad to see you back. You have been gone for a while. Car looks nice.
Have a good one,
No, I'm not back. That is a different car with all of my parts on it. My Sunfire is sitting down in my garage in pieces. That is my friends car. He is planning on getting it all painted black and get some rims for it by the end of the summer.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/carbonfire/redefinedtsisig8qa.jpg">
This is my new car (with a few parts from my Sunfire on it...rims & turbo & intercooler)
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/carbonfire/redefinedtsisig8qa.jpg">
ohhh...so what happened with the other car then...i missed that
Umm, well I kinda got Fed over by exploited racing and some unfornatuate events of people stealing some of the parts from the car, than things not getting done by deadline, so it was all messed up. And now the sunfire is in pieces in my garage, and the talon is my new car.... It has tons of parts from my fire on it too... the turbo, intercooler, rims, and more where all going to go on my car originally.....
So now my friend McKay got my body kit, hood, interior, and more so it is Carbonfire all over again....
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/carbonfire/redefinedtsisig8qa.jpg">
nice house
Moms&Dads talk to your kids,before its too late,tell them to stay away from aluminum wings.
i was just wondering what happened to your car the other day... well, best of luck with it and can't wait to see it in all its glory once again.
the blue is hotter...talk him into that
where did you get the grill inserts?...........
i knwo its proally be awhile but i have been looking for them
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/snowman/thumbnail_sunfire.gif">
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/snowman/thumbnail_personal_pic.jpg">
that sunfire would look really good two-toned, black on top, blue on the bottom. From the top of the bumpers down
Those bumper inserts were custom made for my car. I had some dude who made them for trucks produce a set of them for my car, I actually sent him templates for my hood and he got the measurements for the bumper ones from a local car in his town. I have not seen him sell any other sets. It was kinda a one time deal.
I think the car would look cool 2 tone too... but not black on top.... something else. like Orange or something.
Thanks for the comments on my TSI... I really like it... other than the speedo cable broke tonight... lol I was driving like 70 on the HW 20 and all of a sudden I was still moving at 0mph. but passing everyone.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/carbonfire/redefinedtsisig8qa.jpg">