both cars look amazing guys , keep it up.
PS . Im in love.
Hot pics! Both cars look great!
2 of my All-Time Favorite J's, keep it up guys!!!!!!
viral ur car was part of the inspiratoin that made my go buy my streetfire front today
both lookin incredible guys, keep up the good work.
2 of my favorite J's! Sweet pictures too!
Do you have this in High Res?
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
Awwwwwwwww! how cute........................
Kris, do you not have mesh in your front bumper, or is it painted black?
thanx viral, i think the only thing that could make your car better than it already is is with some evil eyes.
OneBadZ24 wrote:thanx viral, i think the only thing that could make your car better than it already is is with some evil eyes. 
I'm very tempted to do the whole evil eye thing, but then I have to figure out a paint scheme for the hood....as I would need to paint over it for the eyelids.
<a href="http://www.ontariofires.com"><img src="http://www.ontariofires.com/viral/viralsig.jpg" border="0"><a>
1st Annual Gm Small Cars Tuner Showdown!
Wow kris! the pics turned out very nice...it must have been my batteries
thanks for all the comments guys
You need to see Kris' car in person, the pictures don't do justice. The car is looking killer Kris, good seeing you again. Glad your drive home was a good one.
I'd sh$%# my pants if I saw two cars like that in one driveway.
those two cars are so hot!
I love both of them!
I hope to see them next month at the JCO bash

Portage, MI
You should see them on the highway... catches your attention RIGHT AWAY!! lol
You know I love them boyz...
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
Official member - www.ontarioCAVS.com & J-Body Club of Ontario
crap...... crap...... and more crap......
But the crap I like hahhahaa. Nice pics man love the cars!!

"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
georgeus, both are beautiful fires!!!!!