Since my car is at the body shop still and my mom has an 203 4-door cav, I wanted to see what they looked like. not to mention I was pretty bored..... January 2005 Ride Of The Month
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What's up with the resovior cavoers on the pass side? do they not have holes for the hoses? Everything looks good though man! I might be looking into some of these in the near future!
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Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
I see the holes...he was just setting them on the pieces to see how they'll look...
I like it, personally!
if you look in the second picture you can see that it does have holes for the hoses but he just set it on top of the resovior to see what it would look like.
looks great.
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Yeah those are definitely very nice I'm considering 3 of those for my car also during the summer but already have other plans for now but looks very good tho can't wait to see it on ure ride.
honestly...... i dont like.... too much black... im sure if there was a big shiny intake on there it would look schweet!
remember guys, they are mocked up on my mothers car, not mine. mine is still at the shop getting the exterior complete except for the cf hood.
thanks for the comments otherwise... January 2005 Ride Of The Month
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Paint the bottom of the resevior when you put it on your car. I hate how only the top half is covered and that nasty white shows underneatg. Other than that, it should look good.

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JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
yeah i was really wondering what the He!! u did to the color of yer car, lol. PAINTED IT WHITE?!?! naw, that looks real nice tho!
I honestly don't like the engine cover at all, hides the engine and as said above its just too much black. I'd see about returning that if possible, but do what you want its your car, I like everything else you've done otherwise.
-- John
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