nice start with the car but whats with the cones?
I bought the cones to set up a slolom, and they were just sitting in the back seat when I got to the show.
Nice man, we gotta start somewhere.. Keep it up, you'll start winning.. Hell I won my very first car show I entered. What class did they put you in?
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
i won a Vibrant t-shirt at my first show
keep at it
looks like you are in the mild class... or stock if they allow rims and drop in stock class...
Nice color to looks sweet now but with that lip kit its gonna look sweeter. Good job!
Do your car a favor and on the way to your next show throw the cones out the window.. Car looks good other than that I love the color.

POLYFIBER kits $375 (BMX, BC2, Blitz, Drift, KMAX) *
C L E A N !!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks awesome. Lip kit will really set it off
sexy..... loose the stickers on the windows tho
Next show the cones won't be there, trust me. I would lose the stickers, but I have to have them on for my sponsorship. Oh well, I sport stickers, I get money. Works for me.