Holy crap, that is alot of pics but your car is lookin hawwt as hell!!
<a href="http://nystreetscene.com">http://nystreetscene.com</a>
all cars look hot, just not so sure about the yellow cavaliers wheels

Portage, MI
got any action pics of your car, or your car at ride height... loving yours and the blue cavy
the yellow cav has bird poop on the hood
The blue car is HOT, but the tires look too small, and he should ditch the wallmart steering wheel cover. Are the headlights the same blue as the car? it doesnt look like it in the pics
The yellow car, woah, needs new wheels, everything else is great.
And Ztwank, love ur ride man. even though im not a fan of the kit, it looks great!
<Img src="http://www.icefire.ca/stylez24/stylez05sig.jpg">
Official member - www.ontarioCAVS.com & J-Body Club of Ontario
You guys should submit your cars to Domestic Driver Magazine! The cars look great and all have something that stands out!
Im shooting for 3rd quarter feature, maybe ill send in a readers rides in the next day or 2. Got some big stuff comming and want to wait for feature
As far as the wheel cover, im just too lazy to take it off

sooner or later ill get it off there. The headlights are different colored, the sun really faded the paint I used, which almost matched. I am going to be redoing them this summer, with a new project
We wont even go into the tires.. there is a story, and the long and short is, before i knew of this page, i had them ordered, and they were import guys so for 18s on a civic they are the right size, cavys are different, i trusted they knew what they were doing, guess not. When they go bad ill get the right sizes.
Sorry for post jacking man! Let me know about tomorrow night.
Very nice man,, love all the cars.. You guys keep it up..
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
ZeeTwankyFo - Your car looks awesome with the air ride. When do you think you will do a How To or a How Not to do an air ride suspension?
Got wax?? Your cars are still reflecting even off the street lights that is awsome. I love all of them, but help out the yellow owner, the crap hurts lol.
if i had a cav, I think it would look just like yours twanky, it's so beautiful.
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