Just pics of my car I took the other day, I am buffing and polishing it in the next couple of weeks. What do you think of it. theres not a big lot done to it, but it's mine.
My wifes says, If it's not broke, modifie it.
Another pic I forgot to post, sorry, wish they where bigger, don't know how to.
My wifes says, If it's not broke, modifie it.
beautiful blank canvas... how you gonna do it up
I had a graphic on the side, but I took it off to take off the side mouldings. It was a orange tribal, checkerd flage one. I got some pics of it, but I don't know how to get them up from my comp. Only it I put them in my profile first. Can you help?
My wifes says, If it's not broke, modifie it.
I bet that the car looks a lot better with out the graphic