uh ok.
Let me be the first to say..............
<Img src="http://www.icefire.ca/stylez24/stylez05sig.jpg">
Official member - www.ontarioCAVS.com & J-Body Club of Ontario
jump on the bandwagon...........6th
hydrolock? need i say more........
Dude, haven't u seen the cool way to do that?!
This Cav has the cool, correct way to do it...
Get ur pics off the net b4 some1 finds them and send 'em to A-R dude.
BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA that is redonkulous
The idea makes since, but only if those hoses aren't going straight to the TB. That's gonna take away from throttle resonse too. Plus it doesn't look pretty.
good idea...bad design....looks ghhhetto
The Other Matt wrote:good idea...bad design....looks ghhhetto
NO actual... GREAT CONCEPT -(minus)BAD IDEA -(minus) Bad Design + WASTE OF MONEY = "DEAD ENGINE"
Seems as though you got no airfilter on that intake.. buddy..
well i was giving him the benefit of the doubt and thinking that he has those hoses running up and just feeding air into the front of his cone filter...if its going right into his TB then hes a moron