definately looks like fun. wish there were more ppl on here from my area taht would be up for doing things like that.
good pics man
_______________________________________________________ Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
Yep, Kilgore does have a big smile on his face like he did something or about to. lol. Thanks for the comps guy's, and thanks Will for letting us use your driveway.
that arm rest was a pain in the a$$ esp around the 4 corners to get it to look good.
looks like fun, too bad nothing like that happens around here
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Say, since ya'll are in the D/FW area, ya'll are the perfect ones to ask (since I'll be moving there once I have enough money). How is the tint enforcement down there? If I were to, say, tint all my windows 5% even tho law says no darker than 35% on front doors, would the cops actually care??
Haha, this mesh
That looks like the Ace hardware gutter mesh.... The same Ace mesh that I have in my bumper... only I sprayed mine flat black, lol.
What part are you moving to, it all depends on the i guess you could say how the cop's mood is. If he is a cool cop he wouldnt care but if its one of those cops that go by the books and has a pissy aditude then he will give you a ticket also depends on what city and so forth.
Most likely Dallas itself, or maybe a suburb. I have yet to look into how much a house costs out there. But I do know I have no down-pay $$$ nor moving $$$ so I can't go down yet
dereks a/c vents were broke and cracked so he replaced all the vents with the home depot mesh stuff. looks pretty good.
tint issue-- i dont hear alot about. ive heard both sides so it also depends how late it is and if its a weekend if a cop will pull you over to "check" you out using the tint for THE reason to pull you over.
yea the tint laws here are supposed to be 35% my last truck i had 10% on the windows and i got pulled over for it and was threatened to be given a ticket...luckily i got out of it. But yea most of the time they dont say anything but you will get someone every now and then that is in a bad mood and will be a dick about the tint.