Check it out and tell me what ya think.... Yeah, I know the interior of my car is a mess... But its my daily driver too.... All Comments Welcome...
It's a start. What all do you plan on doing to it? I also noticed your from Somerset, I'm from McCreary County.

J-body of Kentucky
You, my friend are very lucky. You have a 95 2.3 5-speed. Rare because you have the OBD-1 computer. For you, a Quad 4 H.O. or even the coveted W41 swap is simple plug-in-play.
Bas2k3 Ive seen your car before... D@#@ Nice... A lot of future plans.... Finnish painting and fabric all of the lower grey portions in my car like a benz/...
Actually its a 2.2 I just swapped the wheels out.... I wish it was a 2.3 though....
Aw..dam. I thought it was a Z with the skirts missing.
I wish it was... When i bought it i was looking for a z but i couldnt find a manual so i just went ahead and bought this one....
Hey man since your from KY you should check out j-bodies of KY,
Like Bas2k3 said, its a start, you seem to have a good canvas to start from so make wise decisions in whatever modifications you do.

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JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)