Here are couple pics from J-Body Montreal bash. It was their first one and we had a blast. great weather too.
Only had internal memory so I could only snap a few.. I placed 2nd in Modified. There were 3 classes, semi mod, mod, and wild.
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Official member - & J-Body Club of Ontario
Congrats Ryan, it was nice meeting you!! Your car is a lot nicer in person.
I'd also like to thank the rest of the JCO crew for showing some support. We appreciate it.
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who got a sunburn lol i look like a lobster
BTW congrats to everyone who won a trophy !

i missed this meet
Nice meeting you too man!. I didnt get burned, but it was damn hot. !!
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Official member - & J-Body Club of Ontario
Good job and congrats on the win! Way to represent the OntarioCAVS!
Keep it up! I hope you have seen my thread with new pics that I took last week. You didn't post!
- Darren
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Official member of <a target="_blank" href="" style="text-decoration: none">
I placed 2nd in Modified
Congrats man, feels awesome eh, when u win

Good luck in the future.
Yes it does....
It was an honor just to be nominated
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Official member - & J-Body Club of Ontario
whos blue sunfire is that with the FG dash..
where are the air vents??
Thats the crazy custom sunfire with the cartoon character popping out of the hood, focus? headlight conversion, etc.
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Official member - & J-Body Club of Ontario
sorry celica headlights..
This one.
And sorry, the server must be down in the second link... there is another thread in here with pics though.
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Official member - & J-Body Club of Ontario