Ok well a few people wanted these sound clips and i have 3 videos but i need some help on how to get them from my computer on to here... any one know how to? let me know and i can send them to you or just tell me how.
dam i was hoping to hear it before bed
I can prolly get them up, email them to me at crashmclarson25@gmail.com
ahh... he is offline, maybe tomorrow
ok well i sent them to Drew Van Oort so he will try and get them up...
Just a note, it is not as loud as if you are out side of the car or if i have the windows down. In all the videos (depends if he puts them all up) i had the windows up and i couldn't give it full out off the line where its the loudest since i would just spin the tires to much... i will get some videos and pics on thursday of my supercharged 2.4L and my buddys turbod 2.4L and have sound clips with that.
free video hosting... host it there and then post a link
By the way, car sounds great Freebs.
Sounds really nice!...now go watch my 0-60 video
thank you all... i will try to get videos of me driving by or somthing later on. and thank you Drew Van Oort for posting that..
Z24 Sport - yea i watched your video.. how fast is your 0-60? and your running the gm supercharger right?
Judging from my video...~6.4xx, but it was a pretty cool night out and the car was seeing 5psi instead of the 4.5 it usually sees. And yep...it's the GM M45.
car sounds nice gotta love superchargers. To bad i can't hear mine as load as yours is.
I hope my car sounds similar. Sounds really good. I can't wait to be in the boosted list.
Visit my cardomain site !!!
ELIOT. Now.....boosted.
Darksun280 wrote:car sounds nice gotta love superchargers. To bad i can't hear mine as load as yours is.
Just get a intake on yours and it should be as loud.... i also brought the filter up about 1.75inches today and it could just be that i am out of my mind but it doesnt seem as loud now that its not sitting as low... still screams enough to get peoples attention though