still need to finish the interior but lemme know what you think.
real deal
p.s. i know it's a 2 door but they don't make a sedan cavalier modifier...
whats a cavalier modifier
i didnt think they made cavi they make fires.

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
haha awesome spence! Glad to see that CF vinyl went somewhere
The Car is For Sale: Info?
thats freaking awesome

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
psst... your modifier is a 2 door.
hehe, It looks good man, I want one like that.
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Official member - & J-Body Club of Ontario
hey strat, how are those seats (quality and comfort) and where did you get them from? i was thinking of getting some.
the DAD's are nice. i had them in the car for a year or two. i decided to pick up a set of tenzo's though and sold the DAD's because i like the style of the tenzo's better. the DAD's are very comfortable and supportive though. i'd recommend them
stock gt... i'm pretty sure they only made the cavalier
travis... yep... i've still got a bunch left too
glad you guys like it.
where did u get it at? i want to buy one
very nice and clean!! one of the nicest sedans on here
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strat ready to sell teh wheels yet man.. I talked to u before online when i was up at schoo in williamsport dunno if u remember me or not my sn was kieferscott then but it has since changed to jbody1999sunfire Im still intersted in ur wheels let me kno
ts... my gf picked it up for me... you can probably find them on ebay.
19sunfire99... i won't be selling the wheels till the end of the season. if i did, i'd have to roll to shows on steelies. i do remember talking to you on IM though. too bad we weren't able to get a williamsport j meet going...