Well first i want to say thanks to Jason at A+...
Here u go...

These will be installed in 2 weeks, im having the back seat recovered to match
Also picked up some neon stuff from streetglow
enjoy, comments welcomed as usual...
hottness bro, u have to let me sit in them when u get them in, tight work though
Diluted clorox in a spray bottle will be your best friend.....
09 HHR LS, Wife's Car
05 Cavalier, Clarion DXZ375MP, Autotek MM8000.5 & 13Kv.2, wife's old car, updates coming soon
looking good cant wait to see the in the car and when your interior is all done
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/jay32m/personal_pic.jpg">
Gian, those rims look way better than those old Eagle's u had man, and i will let u sit in them dont worry bro...
And actually blankets are going to keep these clean for me until i roll to a meet or a show then the blankets will come off...they are so f*cking comfertable, i cant wait to get them in the car in about 1 week or more.....
but thanks for the comments, i think they're really going to set off my interior, and im about to finish the center console, just need to order a new ebrake boot, auto shift boot, and get a new shifter, and then that will be finished and the doors will be done within the next 2 weeks....im excited
I know streetglows stuff is on sale right now but I promise you'll be happier and be able to get more light if you get cold cathodes. They are about $7.00 for a pair and they outshine neons 5X brighter and last really well. check em out....My entire interior is lit with 8 of them total. They would look hot against those white seats at night!!!
Good luck with all of that, our interior is on my list of things to do, after we get our other car running again.
AREA 51 wrote:I know streetglows stuff is on sale right now but I promise you'll be happier and be able to get more light if you get cold cathodes. They are about $7.00 for a pair and they outshine neons 5X brighter and last really well. check em out....My entire interior is lit with 8 of them total. They would look hot against those white seats at night!!!
wow, area those look sweet, ill definatly look into those, and for that price for two, its a good deal...
thanks for the comments
Center Console, just missing a few things then it will be installed...
nice.. how much for the pair of seats and i love the ways those seats look they would be real hott in my car i jus wish i had a better job...
great job on the center console. i love that. wow, your car is going to look great with the seats and the center. nice work man.
what kind of paint did you use to do your center console?
Bill Muff- they were $325 with shipping from jason and took only like a week and a half to get to my door...
IZN TRBL- Thanks man, yeah its really starting to come together, and i think the seats are really going to set it off, urs is hot too...
Gregoiro- i used Krylon Fusion on the plastic and Dupli Color: fabric and vinyl for the arm rest, and this wut ive been using throughout the whole interior...
thanks for the comments guys keep them coming