That looks hot dude Im lovin it. Hopefully ordering mine this week.
I love the color of your car
1HOT Z- Thanks man. You will love your lambo doors when you get them. I do.
Kase- Me too...
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lookin good. how was the install?
Octavian Popa- Thanks buddy
Phranny19-Thanks. The install wasn't too bad. Just alot of adjusting so that the door would shut and not rub on anything. That and making sure the fenders lined up with the doors. All in all it wasn't bad.
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Thanks Ronnie. I like the new interior. Keep it up man. I will have to see it in person. I live in IL too. (Rockford) Not too far from Ken.
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awsome dood very hawt we need to meet up so I can give that car a humping it will never forget LOL
Team Altered Car Club
Thanks Ken. If the car gives you 2 doors up, that means it likes
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Props man, looks amazing! Love the paint!
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
first it was the cavfire conversion, now the lambo doors, whats gonna be next for people to jump on the bandwagon for? LOL.. its gonna be more rare to have a Cavalier (non cavfire) with normal doors haha
Looks absolutely TITS man... Love every bit of it!
just wondering, did your hood come with that grill in it or did you make it yourself?
_______________________________________________________ Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
Andrew Lee-I made the grill myself out of cutter guard. Just made a cut out of the opening and then wrapped the guard around it and then lined it with rubber line.
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I love it...All I would change is the exhaust....
Looks good / 732-742-8837
Bomex03Cavaliersedan-Thanks. I was thinking of changing it but i am not sure
Looney Tuner- Lambo doors weren't played out yet when i wanted them but are now when i could afford them...

Thats ok i still like the way they look.
NJs Honda Killa-Always liked your car. I like the red and black look.
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Skillz wrote:NJs Honda Killa-Always liked your car. I like the red and black look.
Thank You / 732-742-8837
your car is looking hot , i cannot wait till i order my lambo doors this fri even though everybody and their dog has them just not down here in eastern canada anyways yours looks good
Skillz - Looks awesome dude!
Love everything about it!
I actually bought a shirt at the bash from Jason at A-Plus that has a picture of your car on the back

FIRE2NV-Thanks man. It doesn't matter if they are played out. If you like them, then that is all that matters. There isn't too many people around here that have them either, which helps.
Snazzi- That's funny that you bought a shirt with my car on it. The shirts are nice though. I have a few. I have always watched for updates on your car. You are is sweet. It was partly responsible for me getting the Importfighter kit. So Thank you.
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lambos look good with that paint job
Love the kit!
Unsure of the doors.
All in all, car looks hot!

Portage, MI