hey all. i'm just gettin a chance to post my bash pics. had a great time. got to meet some awesome people like njs honda killa, dave (2 uniq), yella02, major, cannon fodder, john lenko and more. definitely had a blast. i wanna thank adam for puttin together the cruise out there. i had a great time.......well.....except for when we almost got run off the road by that trucker. anyway, here's some pics! btw-amanda, you still owe me a hot dawg! lol *slap slap slap slap slap slap*
bash pics
almost forgot, what's up at the current moment isn't everything, but i need to go to work so i'll finish uploading the pics later.
slap slap slap slap...
great to meet you too man, i had a blast this weekend.
mmmm drive thru beer store.
dude i had a freaking awesome time.. *(slap, slap, slap*)

hehehe lol
that trucker was a freakin tool...... i couldnt believe that it took us 14hrs to drive there.. thats nuts....
caitlin it was a pleaser to meet you.. you were like the cool mom.. taking care of shish.....
we gotta arrange a meet before the summer is gone it was tons of fun.

HEY I DONT SEE NO HOT WET BISHES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but the cars look great guys
ROFLMAO yo john thats mad funny...nice to know you'll never forget about them hot wet bishes lol...and yeah i know i owe you that dawg, if we meet up again wich we should definatly do i will grab you that dawg....dave it was so great to meet you...thanx for the amusement on the way down and back...you kept my ass awake lol...adam your funny as @!#$ and i had a blast with you...caitlin you were mad chill and i wish you and john the best and oh yeah (*slap,slap,slap*) i know that sound lmao
damn it ...no wet bishes... but, that 's gotta be the best beer store ever.
Pictures look great Jon
Phil, maybe we can convince you one year to actually go again...
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
and oh yeah dave...i still want that do over if you'll let me lol
well, all the pics have finally been uploaded. the one of major is one of my fave. thank you major for showing us all how to properly clean our k&n filters.

tony, it was nice meeting you too. sorry i didn't get many pics of your car up there, but seeing how popular you are on here i'm sure plenty of people got pics of it.
Yella02 wrote:and oh yeah dave...i still want that do over if you'll let me lol
well see.. bout that.. hehehe...
you have to finish though...

dave-make sure you get the *slap slap slap* goin if you get that do over! lmao
lmao yeah happy bday john, sorry i couldnt be there for the cake and dave....promise next time will be WAY better lol
Happy Birthday
Amanda, have the UPS guy ship him a damn Hot dog
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
sykeeok wrote:dave-make sure you get the *slap slap slap* goin if you get that do over! lmao
omg you know?
thats just to crazi!
dude you got my cell. we gotta talk..

dave you gotta hit me up on aol so i can send you the vid of your car
dave-you know i can't call. remember ryne threw me in the pool? my cell was in my pocket and on at the time. it's definitely screwed. gotta find some time (probably friday) to talk to verizon about gettin a new one. hopefully all my contacts can be rescued. if not i'll just get your number again
yo dave you should thank me i found a pic of your car with your number on it lol 69 baby!!!
what do you mean you found it? i took the pic... lol.