that is NICE GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pretty sick looking non kitted cav... post some pics with the doors down tho so i can figure out if i like the graphics or not!
Check out my build thread!
Looks pretty good but you do need to post some pics with the doors closed. The graphic on the side doesn't seem to bad but I really don't like the one on the hood. You plan on putting a kit on it?

J-body of Kentucky
yeah i plan on putting the drift kit on it but prolly not until next year. Yeah i dont think my hood graphic is all that good but im planning on getting a new hood for next year to so im just sticking with this until then. Im planning on getting racing seats also and upgrade my stereo hopefully. Im wanting to make a wall with 4 10s and i dont really care what the db is cause im just for show.
looks awsome! I think all its needs is a Z24 kit really.... with the drift you wont be able to slam it like that
<img src="">
"Louis, you better watch who you call a child. Because if I'm a child,
that makes you a pedafile, and I'm not gonna stand here and argue
with a pervert" -- Peter Griffin
nice cav! love the air ride and the doors