I finally recieved my hood from ground dynamics which really did a good job gettin the hood to me in two weeks which is fast considering first they had to get it from VIS.
Im real happy with the hood, it lines up very well with the car and the weave is very high quality. The underside of the hood is also finished off very nicely.
I also went ahead and shaved the sunfire gt badging off of the sides. I think it gives the car a lost cleaner look......Over all i am very satisfied, any comments are welcomed thankyou
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If those links dont work this is the link to my cardomain website...if they dont work if someone would post these pics it would be greatly appreciated
My sunfire
thanks alot man your a life saver...
looks sweet but can you get a close up pic of the two middle vents.
dude that hood is total sex.....i've never seen an evo carbon hood on a fire. only on cavs..looks hott man good work
Looks dope, I want one.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Sexxxxy ... i dont like them on Cavaliers , but hotness on the Sunfires.
So friggen hot... I love it.
<Img src="http://www.icefire.ca/stylez24/stylez05sig.jpg">
Official member - www.ontarioCAVS.com & J-Body Club of Ontario
love the hood but needs eyelids. They always look better with the eyelids. But nice none the less.
That Fire is hot man!......keep it up!
Some people asked for upclose pictures of the two middle vents so here they are...thanks for all of the comments. There is a little space in the front between the hood and the front bumper, but i am rebracing the middle of the front so it with fit perfectly flush.
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If those links dont work then if someone could post the last 3 pictures from my cardomain site that would be great....thanks again for all the comments
I think it would look 400000x better without those two side vents... but it still looks great bro.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...