hey ppl, i finally finished my car for this year, check it out. heres the link
i was forced to change my older front bumper because it was extremely difficult to try and fit it with the 03 headlights. I know u guys dont like hood scoops, but i just put em on for now, im getting a cf hood when i get the cash.. also, the ugly tint is coming off, just havent gotten around to that. my doors are also closed because both of my shocks failed. I think thats about it, so tell me what u think.
P.S. the posted pic is just to show u what it used to look like before, so u can see there was a huge change
IT LOOKS 216515121654145165185415954151x better and the hood scoops ehhh but when you get the carbon fiber hood it wil look even better
amazing man!!!!
wow a big change and a lot better
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Deffinitely a big change for the better! Still got some cleanin up to do but I congradulate you.
I'm not feeling the hoods scoops really, but you did an amazing job on the rest of the car. That is a HUGE improvement. Keep it up!
thanks for the comments ppl

yea as mentioned earlier, the hood scoops are temporary, i just didnt want my hood to look stock. oh and i know i need a drop, im at stock height. I really dont wanna cheap out on suspension, so that will just have to wait till i get the money to do that too, when, i dont know. but id rather ride at stock height than have my car jumping up and down in every little imperfetion on the road.
it looks alot better than before but im not feelin' the widebody. it just looks slapped on and painted. could of been molded better
Way better but the wing is killing it
looks a lot better then your last car
change is good, but I would take the spoiler off and the hood scoops.
off to a great start though.
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its good...i guess....if we are comparing it to your last car
i couldn;t even tell it was wide body til i saw an up close pic, but looks good...money well spent
Thats a really subtle widebody. I think you shoulda went wider. But overall it looks good cept the scoops and the huge spoiler.
I agree with what everyone else has said. Great looks and huge change but that wing has to go! The hood scoops look out of place too I think.
The wing is just too big. I like the look it gives the car, but just needs to be a bit smaller and not as tall! The hood scoops, just have to go!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
the roof scoop is a bit much, and the wing is definatly an eye sore. but the car is leaps and bounds above your last. nice improvement. keep up the good work.
car looks so much better then before, I'm still not a fan but I do liek the widebody
Not my cup of tea...but everything you have is just killing you're ride...but good luck bro..Whatever makes you happy...
better indeed. im just not sure about the roof scoop. or the sag in the front bumper.

Portage, MI
roof scoop is useless and i dont think it looks good, scoops on hood also have no use and i dont like, so i definately would NOT have put em on my car, that wing=puke in metal form, other than that, changing the front, headlights and painting it GOOD CALL, wodebody doesnt seem wide enough to make it look like anything more than Z3s that dont fit. but as said above. whatever makes you happy, no matter what we say its YOUR car, if u like it keep it up.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

i had lots of toys when i was young.slinky,etc.but once i found my penis,that was all she wrote
my widebody is actually wider than the regular one everyone uses, ill post closer pics of the widebody tomorrow so u can see

the roof scoop, well i thought it looked alright so i just put it on. the hood scoops are "functional" if u wanna call it that, i kinda cut my stock hood lol could anyone tell me how to fix the stupid front bumper sag, im kinda lost here. oh and its the same car as the gold one, the reason i say this is because everyone keeps saying its better than my "old car", but its the same one! lol alright thanks for the comments anyway, see u later
well to start off let me thank you for realizing the front bumper, hood and tint has to go. and that wing is hidious. and drop it like its hot
Well its alot better than before but I gotta say this. That front bumper is hideous! I REALLY dont like the Bomex kit, its too busy for me. Its your car so if you like it, more power to ya. Like everyone says though, lose the wing. Good job so far, keep us posted.
Much better. I didn't really like that other front end you had.
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