finally got some pics of my car after a long time of not having a camera finally got to take some pics of the two cars YEAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW car looks pretty mean.... get some more pics
well those are most of them sorry for posting one on each page but that was the only way i could get all of them to work. hope you all like my cars and oh yeah the orange one is for sale. but thats about it thanks.
Looks good. / 732-742-8837
That looks like Tutus' car.
Yea the blk one is Titus03's car if I'm correct there! He was selling it so this must be the buyer!
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
Yeah im the buyer, i bought it because that way i could just put money into the engine intead of puttting money into the outside also. and i thought instead of doing an engine and tranny swap i'll just save a little more money and just buy titus's car and then use some of the extra money i have left to buy some parts for it