Hey guys! I know I haven't kept you up to date with any progress at all like I said I would, but its now to the stage where my car is heading off for paint in the next couple days.
I already have the paint for my car, its 2001 + Acura NSX Hot Orange. . . this colour right here.
I am in love with this colour, which is the reason why I got it.
My car is a 1996 2Door and I have a drift kit for it. The guy who's doing the body work to the car is going to mold in the side skirts (not smooth them in, just mold there so there is still a seem but it will be attached. I've always thought that the drift kit made the car look wide on the bottom of the car. I was looking through the "nicest j" post for ideas and I seen one that I reeeeeeally like. I'm sorry for stealing your idea, and you pic (I can't even remember your user name, but I thought that this was BEAUTIFUL!).
My question is, do you guys think that I could pull this paint pattern off on my car? I would like to get a CF hood for mine, but for now, it would just be the stocker painted gloss black. I just think that this paint scheme makes the car look a million times better. Was just basically looking for people's opinion, should I leave the car all the same colour, or would it look cool with the blacked out hood and roof?
Thanks in advance guys, all input is greatly appreciated.
The orange and CF go together really nicely. I just hope you aren't going to splatter your car with dcals.
ive always liked that orange.
my magnaflow decal gives me 100 hp!
Looks hot....esp. with carbon fiber!
LOVE Anthony Jones' cav!!
I would advise against painting the hood black. Maybe do a black and orange design on the hood. Try a scheme for the hood that is something like
Darkstars has on his CF hood. I just think painting the hood black will look cheesy--like you're trying to make it look like it's CF or something.
here`s an thought........how about you tell the shop to give you a original paint scheme
wow!!! now there`s a concept
can i haz bondo
If you are going two tone, top black and bottom orange, you can get your CF hood later. It will tie in nicely.
Its a beautiful combo.. should look sweet.
<Img src="http://www.icefire.ca/stylez24/stylez05sig.jpg">
Official member - www.ontarioCAVS.com & J-Body Club of Ontario
go with all orange, wait to get the carbon fiber hood
Qwik2k2z24 (Bandit) wrote:dont copy another Jbodys style...
if he likes it why not try to imitate it to the best of his ability?
my car is almost a photocopy of VIper98281's car LMAO
i vote paint it orange and if ur serious about a CF in the near future paint the hood black and the roof black if not keep it all one color
just black and orange would look cheesy
but another thing u could do is a custom paint scheme down the side (i.e. not just the roof and hood black)
wutever u do make sure u post pics of ur car
good luck
Yeah, do the two tone black and orange, then slap on the hood when you get it. It would be different if you JUST painted the hood, but if you do a two tone down the side too it would look good.
Personally I dont think that painting it the same colors as another JBO member is a big deal. There are only so many options as far as two tone colors go. If he likes how it looks then do it, it shouldnt matter that he isnt the first.
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
Qwik2k2z24 (Bandit) wrote:dont copy another Jbodys style...
isnt there a car that looks almost exaclty like yours?
It wouldn't be completely copied from that. Like I said, I already have my paint and it IS the NSX colour thats in the top pic. I planned on a CF hood for a while, but just an OEM style one.
My car is not wide body either, nor do I have the same kit as him. My rims are no where's near alike, nor will I be going with a spoiler, or decks, or the detached fins and lower lip in the front. Besides, a copper colour and two tone. . .. . those would be the only similarities between my car and the one that is pictured above. Keep in mind, I am keeping the 95-99 headlights/front end. . . this guy here has a 2000 plus.
Qwik2k2z24 (Bandit) wrote:dont copy another Jbodys style...
theres only soo much you can do to a J. similarities are bound to happen. your car isnt exactly original.
gees sndsgood there is a few people on here with silver sunfires we better change the color now

anyways stephen id suggest do what you like cause i wanted to paint my sunfire the same color as bagged fire or something like that the tangelo orange from house of kolor but you should do what you feel best its your car
big daddy wrote:here`s an thought........how about you tell the shop to give you a original paint scheme
wow!!! now there`s a concept
and heres a thought for you. how about you stop being a @!#$ dick in every paint post. your not the god of paint so quit acting like it.