Very nice! Where'd ya take the pics?
And ya know, you guys should invite me to a shoot sometime
Last time we all got together was at Jason's old place on 108th...
thanks for the comments guys, keep em comin
wut are you dropped on? that looks low
nice car man
prostreets all the way down
Hey I recognize those buildings! Sweet pics by the way.
Looks awesome, i love it. What are you doing with the rear bumper and spoiler?
<img src="" width="388" height="197" alt="Image Hosted by" />
not really sure yet, i had an offer on the spoiler a lil bit ago but i guess he doesnt want it, so throw me an offer, the only thing is, im not going to be actually taking it off for a lil while
looks nice man... CO J's reppin hardcore lately....ill have some new stuff to show off soon as well
keep a look out
Looks good brian
Get your kit on already so we can go do a shoot
Looks great!! ProStreets huh? I've always wondered what they would look like all the way down...may need to consider a set of those!
How's the ride with them all the way down? Do you race any and if so, how's the launch?
Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
the ride is fantastic in my oppinion, but i was coming sprints on AGXs with no bump stops so i love the new ride, as for launch, im not sure, i never race
Matt: call me, i lost Todd's number and we need to get toghether for sure
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