its the 3400 V6 i won off ebay that will be going into My z24
I'll get better pics tomorrow when i take the engine over to my brother (i`m storing it there for now)
side not the truck goes into the shop tomorrow for paint
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ZQ8 Car Domain Site
what is the name off your chevy truck agAIN? its a colorado. how many cylinders?
how much retail?

Dave (2 UNIQ) wrote:what is the name off your chevy truck agAIN? its a colorado. how many cylinders?
how much retail?
3.5 DOHC 5 cylinder
price depends brand new anywhere from 14,000-26,000 i think
u have several models
zq8 "xtreme"
then reg cab ext cab and crew cab
4 cylinder or 5 cylinder
auto or manual (no manual 5 cylinder crews sorry)
Z24 Cardomain Site ll
ZQ8 Car Domain Site
Why is the truck being painted?
Bomex03Cavalier (1CAV2NV) wrote:Why is the truck being painted?
Probably to paint the black pieces around the bottom. Although I must say it looks pretty badass unpainted. Good luck on the engine swap.
Bomex03Cavalier (1CAV2NV) wrote:Why is the truck being painted?
Look at the truck, then look at the sig.
5 Cylinder? Thats weird...
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
ZeeTwankyFo wrote:5 Cylinder? Thats weird...
inline 5, yeah new design.
Nice truck. My dad has a black one (extended cab with the little suicide rear doors) and it has the 5-cylinder with a 5-speed. I love that truck. If I could afford it right now, I would buy one.
i hate it when customers ask me to put skids into pickups... i made one guy sign a waver saying im, or the company isnt responsible to damage... full skid of shingles (about 6000lbs) later, tow truck had to tow him out LOL
nice truck geeeeeeeeds.. ive looked into selling my cav in a year or so and getting a sunburst orange one.... love em!