I've been rocking the white Lei (Lay - for the dumb people reaing thing
) from the rear view mirror for like a year and a few monthes now, it never goes away
whats your stupid thing?
by the way white box next to the Lei is an Ipass, its for illinois tollway, with an ipas syou don't have to stop and pay tools, you can go through the Ipass lane and keep moving, no Ipass you stop at the booth and twice as much as Ipass users, so yeah its stupid but kinda needed so I don't count it hahaha
my stupid thing that i put in my car sits in the driver's seat and operates the car...
i dont have pics yet, but my RC drift 350 Z is in my car at all times...never know when your gonna feel the need to DRFT(purposly spelled that way)
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/jdub/cars/1/"><img src="http://members.aol.com/thepute2/quicks.jpg">
I have my parking permit hanging from my mirror at all times. Course everyone has that so it's normal. I actually used to have a dragon air freshener that hung from my first car for about a year.
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id have a stupid thing but in minnesota its illeagl and i dont want any more reasons to get pulled over
First mod I ever did was my dice, so I couldnt bear remove them.
EZPass...same as your IPass...but I need it also for PA turnpike
Dont have a pic.. but G/Fs thong in the rearview mirror
I have a flashing air freshener right now that sits in my cupholder and it only flashes when the car gets bumpy. I used to have an empty can of diet cherry coke in my cupholder which was there for over 4 months. When I took the car to the mechanic to get the belts, hoses, and brakes checked over they threw out the can, those idiots.
i always keep 4-500 jimmyhats in my car at all times.
f bodys get all the whores.
well i don't have any pix of it in my current car since i never take pix of this car but this is it in the fire
it's actually some xmas ornament that I got at a baby shower, but i thought it looked cool lol
it sits in the passenger seat, i call her the gf
I got 2... a pirate devil rubber duckie and the stupid car seat for the kid ( i need another car
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Since I practically live in my car, mine would have to be the trash.
I was rockin' like 5 Mardi Gras bead necklaces for awhile (on the mirror), now they sit in the arm rest. Other than that, all my crap haha. I still have my ruined Ken2.2 Infamous SFB in the trunk (good against potential attackers
haha), all sortsa crap in the backseat b/c no1 sits there (not that they can - seats still don't have brackets yet). Yea, sounds about right. Oh yea, my non-functional IPass too. I painted it black so it wouldn't stick out - now it don't work. I sanded the paint off the window side of the box, still nothin' so I need to sand off the rest and get it lookin' decent again.
I have the garder from my senior prom that happend like 2 yrs ago when i got it off my G/F.
the GM small car bash entrance with my name and entrance number 69 LOL
and my lil air freshner tree!
i have the thing they put our name tags on at the bash over mine and one that says jagermeister on it also...
My seat covers. I love them for their tacky quality!
3 spongebob air fresheners. stupid, but they smell like a fresh summer's day, or something.