sorry loaded it wrong here it is
man sweet ride I thik that a yelow C.F. hood would be sweeter but anyway still a nice ride,
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
A car show in a parking garage?
Thats a pretty cool idea.
I like the car though. Very nice. Just not feeling the wing. But nice ride
the wing is going in favor of a pro stock wing this winter.
not to be nosy but jason are u looking for car to sponsor for the 2006 season?
spyder j - I have looked into cf but I liek my hood the cf would look sweet though.
Very nice!! even though Im partial to yellow cavs
thank u rick ur cavi is sweet as well
your car is stuck in the ropes get it out quick
-- looks good
get rid of that hood and that would be one of the nicest cleanest cavys ive seen in a while!!! nice job bud
"Boost tuning"....... have you had your 8 PSI today?
future name of the winter shop!!!
oh geez ya got the string around it now lol

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Looks good man! I think that pro-stock wing will definitely spice it up a little bit...I'm not too much of a fan of the current wing.
Keep it up though!
TAX ID: 45-8013458577-3
nice, but as stated, a CF hood would be teh sexorz. Nice modding man.
"Your Premier Source For Automotive Neon & Accessories!"
Can't wait to see it w/ the pro-stock. Your car is badass!
looks hot. nice and clean minus the wing, but it'll be perfect with the prostock.
i agree, carbon hood for sure
thanks guys for all the comments never got this kind of attention befor