well i sold the 1995 cavalier last week after just finishing it 2 weeks before. i was very sad
to let it go but i had to move on to another car. hope you all enjoy it i am not sure if the new owner is a member here he is on JCO but i am not sure if he his here. i probly will never see it again since i live over 5 hours away from where it is.
hope you all enjoy the new look
what it looked like 4 months ago notice no rear bumper lol.
Damn that looks clean why did you sell it so soon after completion?
i know dam!!! i would have bought it!
yea that's kinda odd to sell it that quick after spending all that money wtf?
the only reason i sold it was because i am 19years old and own 3 cars all on my own all bought myself. and i just didnt have any room anymore for it.
i didnt spend very much money on the car. i did all the work myself everything.
i dont look at it as a waist of time, it was a project and i learnd alot from it so i got what i needed out of it.
i also have owned it for 3 years and i have got my money worth out of the car