time to lower! want my teins? =]
<img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y177/mrstaticx/Mysig.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
i dont know how low im going yet. but it needs it bad. lol
dam all u need now is some 95-99 gt clear turnsignals
your license plate number is 444 tfz
looks good. drop it now
Vice President - NEJBody
2007 Cobalt SS
2001 Sunfire (retired)
yup it is .not for long geting new plates made for it once i pick what i want them to say
very nice, wheels look great on there. are those eyelids a separate piece or part of the hood?
there separate piece. they bolt onto my hood.
^^ thanks i got a few more things comeing befor the snow comes.