Hey I got some new pics of my car they are not the greatest but I wanted to get them up before I need to put the winter rims on. Could I email them to someone and they could post them that would be great. I know the car needs to be lowered and painted. But it looks better than it used to. All comments welcome.
Why don't use photobucket.com or image shack.
that looks awesome, nice work man, the eyelids rock
Eyelids rock and it is very clean. I love it...
But get bigger wheels and drop it!
Looking good. just a drop but you said you already knew that so cool
You are from ontario eh.......I wonder where you got the idea for your car....the name pete is comin to mind...(well maybe u bought his car) just a thought
Love it! Dang I love those side skirts!
"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
thanks for all the comments its been a long road, I had the whole cavfire thing for a while but I wanted to clean the car up a bit so I went this route. Nothing else is planned until winter is over and then I'll hopefully lower it and paint everything one colour but like everyone knows this is an expensive hobby so I have to do it one bit at a time.
like the old headlights and the new tail, always wondered how that would look.
I like the 03+ Rear conversion...nice touch.
Defenitley drop that bad boy...the wheel gap throws it off.
But none the less, good work.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Hella Sweet man...
Ditch the white wheels, and drop that biach....
Looks awesome so far..
Official member - www.ontarioCAVS.com & J-Body Club of Ontario
my hood..my fenders..my headlgiths!!!
looks good man
I agree with you stylez24 I want to get gunmetal rims with a polished lip and they are your hood, fenders and headlights certsfire.
remove the spoiler and paint mirrors and handles.
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims