How many people on here have done the cav-fire swaps? Post pics if you got 'em!
You don't have to be an &$# about it!! Poeple are always taking new pics of there cars as well as doing new things to there cars before they take the pics. I REALLY don't think it is that bad of a question to ask how many poeple have done the cav-fire swaps. I'm sure there are even a few poeple who have done the swap but don't have pics yet. But, they still deserve the right to add there name to a post like this to be recognized for doing the the conversion!!!! (Such as myself and my best friend, Pimp J! We done the swap a couple of weeks ago. But that don't meen that we have pics on here yet.) Find something else to do except sit on your computer and waite to flame on people and waiste there time as well as yours with stupid replies such as the on that you just gave. Let people have a chance to speak out and be heard and recognized for for the time and effort that they are putting into there cars!!! Isn't that what this web site is for? Isn't that the purpous of this web site.... to show off your cars, tell others what you have done to your car, help others by answering qeustions that they might have about there cars, ect.?
Now if you don't mind, I will ask again.... is it really that bad of a question to ask who has done the cav-fire swap or even who is thinking about doing it? Let the poeple be heard. If you don't have anything to contribute that is actually wirth while, then just sit back, relax, and let the others that want to reply do so!!!! Thank YOU!
this should be in exterior tho since you dont have any pics to supply of your own
i thought that was pretty funny.

then again im an a$s
Since Scotty B doesnt spend time modding his car, he has a lot of spare time to spend on the boards wasting bandwidth with his dumb ass posts....
Back on track...
Big Poppa.. This thread is calling for you
Official member - & J-Body Club of Ontario
I have pics!!!!! I will post them tonight! what is a good hosting site? the pics ain't pretty because my cavalier is purple and Pimp J's sunfire is red. But at least wer DID do it! I will have pics of our cars on here tonight.
Nice Posting Pimp C!!!!! To all the hatas that have to try and knock people for their customization skills, and ideas, (even if they have already been done), go eat some. We are two of the very two to have done this, and as you can see by the few nice postings from above, others think it is a good idea as well. So to All those that still have The stock HubCaps on your car, and want to waste time just messing around with postings, find something better to do with your time. Do not get yourself off to dissing our J's. To all the other CavFire members, the pics that have been posted look great, and it opens a wide variety of ideas! Have fun, and Customize, Customize, CUSTOMIZE!!!!!!!
Your dreams are rich.....Live by your dreams.....
95 Sunfire GT In Progress wrote:Nice Posting Pimp C!!!!! To all the hatas that have to try and knock people for their customization skills, and ideas, (even if they have already been done), go eat some. We are two of the very two to have done this, and as you can see by the few nice postings from above, others think it is a good idea as well. So to All those that still have The stock HubCaps on your car, and want to waste time just messing around with postings, find something better to do with your time. Do not get yourself off to dissing our J's. To all the other CavFire members, the pics that have been posted look great, and it opens a wide variety of ideas! Have fun, and Customize, Customize, CUSTOMIZE!!!!!!!
Seriously, grow up. You're not special. No one is being a "hata" toward you. No one was "dissing" your J. They are just saying search. There are plenty of threads about this very same topic, and if you do a members search you'll find even more cars.
BTW, nice cav chris. I've always liked Cav's with Sunfire fronts. Keep it up!
I take Scotty B's little fav's as a diss, and he IS hating. I do not think that I am special by no means, my car still has alot of work to go, but I feel that people need to either get to the point, or just leave it alone. We were asking to see if anyone wanted to comment on it. We were not trying to get a feud started. Thanks for all the support, and feedback to you all, and I must admit, that I will be a J-Body owner for LIFE!
Your dreams are rich.....Live by your dreams.....
95 Sunfire GT In Progress wrote:and I must admit, that I will be a J-Body owner for LIFE!
Wow, is there some special gang sign you throw up when you say gay @!#$ like this?
NEWS FLASH: swapping hoods, bumpers, and fenders isn't an accomplishment! It's been done many time. Now if you made it look good, it might go somewhere.
..but yeah, way to represent that 10 year old car with a mismatched frontend! I'm soo jealous.
thanks for the compliments! keep the post coming. more pics the better. we are just looking to see what other people are doing to there cavfires so that we can be original in building ours. thanks keep it up!!
it looks like the orange cav needs to replace his stock latch with the cavalier latch because his hood doesnt shut right
lmao that cracks me up, take a joke. I didnt call anyone an ass, I didnt call anyone stupid, I just made suggestion to search. I have seen so many cavfires in the last month its not funny. Stop being a girlie man and learn to take a joke.
Scotty B, I do apologize if you were joking. Alot of people try to get on here and bash others for attempting to try and do things to their cars. I am sorry, and will take your joke good heartedly. I will represent my 10 year old car with a mismatched front end, due to the fact that it IS A WORK IN PROGRESS> By no means am I trying to make anyone jealous. I love my CavFire, and I will rep it. As far as the gang sign, J-Bodies are the *&%@!!!!! I do not care what anyone says, or tries to do, I will say what I want, how I want, and will be myself. As Pimp C said, thanks for all the pics, and comments, and keep them coming.
Your dreams are rich.....Live by your dreams.....
95 Sunfire GT In Progress wrote:Nice Posting Pimp C!!!!! To all the hatas that have to try and knock people for their customization skills, and ideas, (even if they have already been done), go eat some. We are two of the very two to have done this, and as you can see by the few nice postings from above, others think it is a good idea as well. So to All those that still have The stock HubCaps on your car, and want to waste time just messing around with postings, find something better to do with your time. Do not get yourself off to dissing our J's. To all the other CavFire members, the pics that have been posted look great, and it opens a wide variety of ideas! Have fun, and Customize, Customize, CUSTOMIZE!!!!!!!
Are you saying you are "two of the very few" that have done this conversion on this board or in your neighborhood? Neighborhood, I could believe, but on here, I think it's a common practice much like clearing headlights. Also, I don't have stock hub can I diss now?
just joking man

Can't wait to see when it's finally done and put all together. That BC2 kit on that Sunfire looks hot.
I take Scotty B's little fav's as a diss, and he IS hating. I do not think that I am special by no means, my car still has alot of work to go, but I feel that people need to either get to the point, or just leave it alone. We were asking to see if anyone wanted to comment on it. We were not trying to get a feud started. Thanks for all the support, and feedback to you all, and I must admit, that I will be a J-Body owner for LIFE!
"Sunfire Breezin' By, See Ya On Tha Flipside!"
a diss , wow thats so profound, what are you going to do bust a cap in someones azz?
Hating, yea i hate you too
I dont think you really wanted ppl to comment on it because those that have you bitch about
Good luck being a J-body owner for life, the rest of will change up every now and then

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
You tell me what looks better
Before Cavfire conversion:

If you had a GT Sunfire front bumper I think it would look pretty good!!!
Joe Kidd wrote:You tell me what looks better
Before Cavfire conversion:

LoL you got any more pic's of my car? FYI I bought the car from Ian...
I will find more pic's of both of mine later. I have a Cavfire and Ian's old Sunalier
definatly before
hmmmm.... I am confused, and the Blonde genius that is me,
does not easily get confused