there is the link could someone please post them on the org. for me. i just want to see what everyone things of my car. i am thinking of changing my kit tot he j type and wing to the pro stock so give me some info back thanks.
looks good. i love the hood
i have a type-J rear, streetfire skirts, RKSport front lip and carbon fiber pro-stock for sale if interested
RIP Kasey Burleson, and get well soon Chris Shelly
No biggie, the first one was blury anyhow.
Good job btw.
The only thing I would do is remove the wing and replace it with a pro-stock wing. Other than that the car is nice the way it is.
It would look tits, with an intercooler in the front.
Thats one nice lookin ride you got there, what wheels are those?
I like it! That hood still makes me drool. And I love the wing!!
nice J! those mirrors look hideous on your car? IMO
LSportin', 2 door, 5-speed, ECOTEC, and its in ultra silver metallic.
^ my cavy of course.
DONT CHANGE A THING! it looks great
Am i seeing things or are the fender vents reversed??
Looks good and I really like the idea of changing to the
type j and pro stock.
Where did you get the hood and was it in perfect shape when you got it?
Hey, yeah...the vents in the fenders are backwards....
nice wheels i just ordered them.
If it doesnt break then you didnt drive it hard enough!
thanks for the comments everyone. so i guess i could say i am selling my bomex kit i am also selling a Rk sport ram air hood so email if ya want something.
any takers on the buying the bomex kit off me i will let it go for like 600 with the muffler and i will let the hood go for like 200 ( the rk sport ram air hood )
^^^email on the hood. id really like to pick that up
RIP Kasey Burleson, and get well soon Chris Shelly
i dont like front bumper....from the front angel...... not bad, nice color.
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
eazy i sent you a email. i am going to change the kit most likely i have already talked to someone on the org about buying the j type kit so i am changing. by the way the color just if anyone is wondering its Electric Blue Pearl. its off the pt cruiser and neon i love the color it is so cool at night how the pearl changes colors from blue to purple to even white and even green in some light. thank you for the comments i hope to post more often and keep updates on how it is going over this winter. so far i have got my system finally i got a JL W 6 12" with a 900-1 mono amp ( fu@# this thing pounds ) ( somewhere in the 140 DB range i think it has hit before ) but i am open to any ideas on what i should do to JUSACAV ( her name ) so shoot some ideas at me
Nice looking car! Not a fan of that wing though but seems enough folks do like it and you thought enough of it to put it on?? I'd say good job over all!
Any interior pics or are you running stock there?
Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
i have some blue tweed work i have done like wrapped some parts, nothing big. i want to do 4 racing seats this winter and some other things, but who knows.