I have been on this forum for over 3.5 years and haven't put any pictures up so here are the cars i've owned.
Here is the 2000 Z24 I bought when I was 15. I was young and thankfully my ideas on what looks good have changed.
Then, when I was 16, I got rid of that car for a 2002 Z24 5 speed which I turbo'd, put on 19's, and some carbon fiber.

I still have the kit and it's for sale if anyone is interested.
After the cav, my senior year of high school, I bought a '69 camaro which I restored with the help of my dad. It's a SS 396 with a mildly built engine.
nice nice, i like the Maro, thats hot...
My next project will be a 03+ cavalier that i'll do a little modding to for my daily driver.
Wooohoo someone used that manifold! I love the looks of that thing, even though it sucks for flow.
dude that camaro is BADAZZ!!

FACT : Statistics show that you are more likely to to be hit by lightning than to die street racing.
FACT : It is our American RIGHT to own a GUN but not to drive a car.
"Those who would sacrifice freedom for saftey deserves neither Freedom nor safety!" - Benjamin Franklin
"The real destroyer of liberties is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits." -- Plutarch
nice cavs and nice camaro... me and my dad are thinking bout restoring a 69 SS and seeing that one made me wanna do it even more...
WannaBzee (aka BadAceDesign) wrote:Those cars...during high school?
no doubt. also, u still got that one rare rear bumper? Maybe sell it? or is it going on ur DD?
i love that 02 definatly..
Wooohoo someone used that manifold! I love the looks of that thing, even though it sucks for flow.
I liked the looks of the manifold and it put the TB in pretty much the same spot as the factory one so it worked out pretty well. It is included with the rest of the kit for sale.
Those cars...during high school?
I have been working since I was 11 with my own law mowing business and started another job when I was 14. Also my dad is GM dealer so I get some pretty decent deals and we do all the work oursleves, even the paint on the camaro.
u still got that one rare rear bumper? Maybe sell it? or is it going on ur DD?
I still have the rare WW bumper and I plan to put it on my new DD when I get it.
i see lassey!!
haha, she's pretty tough.
Thanks for all the compliments guys.
What is that manifold from? I've never seen it before.
I love the '69 btw.
how much for the turbo kit?
how much you askin for the turbo kit?
That is one @!#$ clean turbo setup man.
I'd like to get $2600 out of the turbo kit. It comes with everything needed, including tyhe manifold and TB and brand new Gm S/C injectors and map sensor. E-mail me for more information.
The manifold is from a quad 4 LO. I believe we got it out of a late 80's calais.
Travis long time man,
Cant wait to see what you have in store for the 03+ when u get it for your DD... wish i could store mine but alaz it sees all of the crap Iowa winter.
The camaro is looking hot, wish i had a little more time and money to rebuild something like that maybe in a few years anyway
what the hell manifold is that?
car is looking sexy. love the wheels. who makes them?

Portage, MI
69 Camaro is the best car ever built. Im looking for one right now. But I dont care to much for stock restored ones.
I am all that is man
ruen-- im guessing Tenzo-R..
very clean '02! i like it a lot.. turbo kit def. looks clean. ever dyno or take it down the track?

bahh its boosted
Every one of those cars looks great. I really like the second Cavi, it looks ridiculous! The Camaro is looking quite good too, besides SS stands for super sexy anyway

that camaro and the 2nd cav are both freakin hot
good luck with the new one, i think your gonna like the eco alot
How in the hell when you were 15 were you able to drive a car legaly,i know states have differen't laws but thats crazy.
Also all those cars look real nice,do you have any more pics of that 01
In Texas you can drive at 15 with licence and adult in car.
I am all that is man
^^ who said he was driving legally? I know i drove without a license for 2 years when i was 14 and 15, then i went to driver's ed and got my license at 16. Also, i never got any tickets or any fender benders or anything.
The wheels are Tenzo R sinko r's and I had a school permit to drive to school only when I was 15. In Iowa you just have to have a driving permit for 6 months and take drivers ed to drive to school, then at 16 you get your license.