not exactly a repost. but i just posted a reply to this
Manta Z wrote:Or.. u can get the Ebay specials.. yep lmao.. they now sell teh corners and headlights painted on ebay. and their calling it JDM lmao.. guess tires are JDM too.. cuz there black..but there expensive.. like $250 shipped.. but just thought id mention it..
Ebay Link #1
Ebay Link #2
If u do em yourself, just do what cheeter said. cut the seal without heating on the headlights, then when u have to reseal, less sealant is needed to ensure its completely sealed.. u can put small beads of sealant on the already sealant there and when u put them together the old sealant will bond together making it seal.
On mine i did wetsand them with 320 tho.. just to make em ultra smooth but im sure u can do waht OnebadZ24 said and be fine
but yeh.. if u price it you could do it cheaper for ur self
New Aftermarket 00 headlights $65 each
Black 00 corners $40
Black Paint $10
Total= $115
Thats just some over priced guessing tho..
they even try to sell cleared corner headlights for 03+ cavies
Its really not as bad of a deal as you guys say...
If somebody is doing a headlight swap (like me), buying a full set of already cleared headlights for $200 or each headlight at $90 each ($180) plus risking breaking them myself, its a deal. Plus, as per the math above, it actually comes out to $180 not $115 (forgot to multiply by 2 for the headlights). Another $40 for the work and its a pretty good buy if you are going from 99- to 2000-20002 headlights. - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
Thanks Shifted.. knew it didnt seem right.. Not a bad idea for situations as u stated.. luckily i bought the corners and im doing the swap also but i got lucky enough to get the headlights for free since im trading front ends with someone lmao.
Also just realized this is Photos and Media.. shouldnt this be in Exterior?
What is wrong with people these days?? Only an idiot would pay that much for cav lights. If your gonna spend that kinda money do a conversion.
wow mine look like that and i spent $30 total.
this guy also makes grand am and alero blackout headlights he's got a real business doing this!
Manta Z wrote:Thanks Shifted.. knew it didnt seem right.. Not a bad idea for situations as u stated.. luckily i bought the corners and im doing the swap also but i got lucky enough to get the headlights for free since im trading front ends with someone lmao.
Also just realized this is Photos and Media.. shouldnt this be in Exterior?
hmm... who could that person be ?
I like the quote in your sig still...
i would probably buy them, bc i woould probaby eff mine up trying to do something like that
Deputy D Styl3 wrote:i would probably buy them, bc i woould probaby eff mine up trying to do something like that
sadly, i have to too...
i like the way they look but for the price wow!
everyone seems to think its hard its really easy! REALLY EASY!
Well i called a local auto wreckers and they say $150(CAN) for each side and thats without the corners.
At my work (a GM delaership) my employee price which is Cost+10% came to $99(CAN) for each side so the stuff they have on ebay seems like a good price to me.
I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it
Yeah, if you cannot take apart 2k+ headlights, maybe you shouldn't be working on cars. Not trying to be a dick, but cutting some sealant, masking off the center area, and rattle canning flat black on the edges really isn't that hard.
It took me 30 minutes or so to do the set on my car now, granted I've done 4-5 sets.
Yes that is a decent price considering what headlights cost new, but the majority of the time you can find them cheaper, and ANYTHING OEM from GM is going to be expensive. I think a new corner lense, read: one corner lense was $38 from GM when my car was lightly backed into.