Well i just molded the center consule. I used a red primer i made mixed that i up, and its getting there still alot of work yet to be done but its all one peice so here it is
So no more cup holders, no more in console storage, and 3 less bolts to attach it in the car?
But nice none the less.
dont really like but thats IMO. but good work with the glass
first off i dont need a cup holder.. and it still bolts down snug with the custom bolt bracket i made in the bac. it still bolts in the front so thats no problem, and otherwise if i want somthing to drink i use my hand to hold it why sit it dow if yur drinking it?
nice, i wanna learn how to FG...
I would have gotten a manual shift boot peace from the stick cavis and moled that one in
i kinda like it can we get some more pics?
put it in the car, i wanna see it in the car
well let's see at the very back bottom where it sits is a l bracket .I slice 1inch out of the carpet then i folded it back drill to hoels pushed the carpet back wallla... trust me im 27 and ive been working on cars since i was 15 so i know what im doing
it's automatic
why would he need a cup holder when he can just hold it