well as some may have read about a month back a cop hit me while i was at work, so i havent had my car for quite some time, but she's back and sexier than ever...onward
and now
sexy sexy sexy lol
i know the rear bumper still needs some tweaking and new mesh will go on come spring, along with my neons, lambos, and new springs...ill keep ya'll posted
looks very nice!!!
"Custom cars, custom problems."-me
looks good, imo - i would return to stock tail lights, i think they are the sexiest looking lights.
Love it!! Definately lookin sexy that new front looks verry nice!! Glad to see you finally got her fixed!!
50x better! I dont dig the tails, but just fix the fitment issues and it'll look even better yet.
looks good...shave the badges and ditch the chrome tails and it will look even better.
EliteCavy wrote:looks good... but id get rims and the new springs before neons and lambos.
Springs are sitting in her house, and the neons were already on the car before the accident. It's winter time in New England, so rims aren't going to happen anytime soon.
You know what I think of the car babe
Yella02-I promise I will return to you in one piece and this will stay up until I am safely home
Looks good just lose the altteezers.
totally agree with some up there that you should stick with the stock tail lights. it would compliment your car alot more. cant wait to see the progress! glad you got it fixed!
R.I.P. Kasey N. Burleson
Is it me or ....Are there a lot of posts by members that have the Bomex front
bumper or what lol...Seen Brisk..Now this...and Jason McDaniel...lol Looks
great brother!
im not feeling that bumper on a yellow car.. dont know why!
it is sexy tho.. lose the tails and drool on her
Insert Funny Saying Here
in the last pic, the kit looks a slightly different color than the car, but that might just be the pic
it looks real good
however, i hate the tails, different tails would look better imo
w00t w00t for 00-02 BC2! nice man, loose the moldings and it will b hot
ok well lets answer some issues....i already have the neons, i just havent mounted them on the new kit yet, i have the springs sitting in my room awaiting springs, rims will be coming soon but again not till spring, the tails are going...not stock, but not the altezzas, not 100% sure what i want right now, and yes the color is slightly different but will eventually fade a little with the sun and hopefully match a little better, have to remember also that its new paint against paint that is almost 4 years old so there is a slight difference, fogs are also on the way, and lambos will be ordered as soon as my taxes come in...i do need to do some slight tweaking with a few things and some other things need to be siliconed and touched up but at this moment in time with the new england weather it is too cold and too windy/rainy here lately to even think about doing any of that, but come spring she will continue to improve and more mods will come, but i love it about 100x better than the bomex, thanks for all your comments and keep em coming, i love to hear what people think and suggestions, and oh yeah we are DEFINTALY shaving the side moldings and badges too lol, looks much cleaner that way. and hopefully all accidents are done with, you know what they say 3x is the charm..
if the kit fit better it'd be amazing..
but get everything done you have planned and a refitment and then it'd be amazing
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
You need a camera worse than me! lol
Looks good, and go abck to stock tails!
1971 camaro 427 --- here!
Stock... and loving every minute of it.
Looks good, I like it alot better.
Where did you have the work done??
Looks great now, good luck with everything you have planned. Maybe I'll even see you at some J meets in New England!
Looks good. Now lower it, get some bigger rims, lose the tails, badging and moldings and youre done. Oh yeah tint your windows. Dark tint on a light car is super sexy.
i like that kit but not in yellow i dunno why.
You've already said that you were going to do everything that I think would be good (molding, tails, rims, springs, etc). Seems like the fitment needs to be worked on a little.
But about the color....if you're waiting on the color of the kit to fade to match the color of the car, I don't get that. Cause BOTH colors will fade and they still won't match?!? Right?
Anyways, I can only tell that it doens't match a little bit. The BC2 looks SOOOO much better than the Bomex kit! You're going in the right direction!!
Looks good, ditch the tail lights.
Official member - www.ontarioCAVS.com & J-Body Club of Ontario