Gotta represent the Jay Bee Izzle...
The more you hate my roll call, the more it grows...
These decals were made custom just for me. I will not sell them or even give them away without Dave's emailed permission. The only reason I made this instead of buying one from JBO is that their version does not match my car BUT each and every one of you should buy one and support this great organization.
Thank You.
Blue Cav Customs
i'd rock it
i'd prolly get that before my stickers..
Lets see how it looks with a pic of the whole car
I would love to support the .org if I ever got my stickers I ordered 3 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, any word on my CF order yet??
Why would dave be mad? He's supporting his company ... ?
i wanna see the whole car
holy crapload of stickers
looks rediculous... but glad your happy with it
its nice but the only thing i don't like about roll call is it tell who ever thats going to rob your car it tells them whats inside
Hopefully this won't be some kind of copyright infringment situation or whatever its called. I hope Dave gave you the go-ahead to make that sticker.
It doesn't look bad, but I'm not a fan of that kind of 'roll call.'
i hate stickers
Daytona Blue, Cavalier Coupe, 2.2L I4OHV
actually dave has seen this post
as long as steve doesnt sell them , dave doesnt have a problem
im not for or against all the stickers
my personal taste is i dont like um on my car
steve had them before , and like steve my friend took his off his cav
and they just look like something was missing from the cars after it was removed , and i know steve even said the same thing as did a few other people
so we all go with what we want , and we are all good
Holy roll call Batman!! Not a fan, but a nice idea! Do what you want man!!!
are you even sponsored by any of them?
For those who wanted to see more pics...
JBO Thread
No, I'm not sponsored.
I really don't want to get into a huge flame war about my roll call. But I'm gonna tell you like it is...
Some people on JBO think their cars are better than everyone else's and when they see things they do not like, they flame. And it's the Internet so it's expected. Much easier to judge someone from behind a monitor than to their face, etc etc. Others have no money to do many mods to their cars and in their jealousy they try to find ANYTHING to pick on about your car. There are about a thousand different personalities and tastes on here and to try to make everyone think your car is 100% perfect is an impossible task.
Bottom line is that I like it - I really don't care what the rest of you do to your cars. And I'm a cool enough guy that I NEVER talk trash about other people's cars on here, even when they are hideous (and those people know who they are). When people like Darkstars call your car "rediculous" all it does is show what kind of person they are inside. Having a cool car is one thing but it takes a strong sense of maturity to refrain from acting like that. I have ALWAYS supported Darkstars, both admiring his car and when reading his threads about how bad his life is. He even bought a CF emblem from me so my taste must not be THAT bad.
Dude, I'm sorry if stuff is still bad for you but saying crap about other's cars will NOT make you feel better. Not in the long run. Your car is AWESOME but I could find fault with it I really tried.
All I know is that I see plenty of cars on here and on the street with roll calls. Most of those people are NOT sponsored. It's just a look. Get over it.
I wasn't supposed to get involved in crap like this in 2006 but I feel like it had to be said yet again. Maybe if SOME people on here can someday explain it enough, a few of you will actually learn how to treat others. Most of the JBO community is extremely supportive and polite enough to keep their negativity to themselves. If there were more people like me, the trash talk would eventually stop.
Flame away - I'm not going to war with you in this thread. For God's sake I just wanted to show you a damn sticker...