You rock!!!! Way to go, keep up the good work, and keep us posted on new things to come!!!
Wow, that is one really nicely put together car. Your a genious. Trade me?
Besides the wheels and tails, I like it.
Looks good.
2010 Ford Explorer
2006 Ford Ranger
2004 Chevy Cavalier
that radiator almost looks like a front mount, i like it looks clean.
I like the tails man. very nice J. keep up the good work!
Desert Tuners

�When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it�s best not to stir it.�
Looks good.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
wow, i was expecting something.....not nice after the opening line, lol.. very nice man. keep it up!!
bigmouf 4 life
looks great. only thing i would change is the spoiler. maybe the one that i have and Qwik2k2z24 has would look a little smoother. otherwise i think youve done a really good job with it
i agree on the spoiler comment.
00+ Z spoiler would perfect the ass end.
if u had a spoilerless trunk lid ied trade ya for mine.
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
a clean lookin' kit, some carbon fiber, and some nice lookin' rims!!!

<she sexy
and i usually don't like blacked out tails, but that looks pretty damn good! also, what knob is that?

| < Chillin' Lake Side!
Qwik2k2z24 wrote:just when i thought i lost a twin....
looks good. and oddly familiar.
Jeff actualy bought my body kit and CF hood off of my car, thats were my stuff went!
looks good Jeff
nice lookin cav you got there
Derek Z24 wrote:
Jeff actualy bought my body kit and CF hood off of my car, thats were my stuff went!
looks good Jeff 
hehehe, seeing Derek's car for the first time is actually what got me into this whole thing. Thanx Derek
Thanx everyone
The knob is Ractive No. TK615
just out of curiousity, how did you do your tails?
Desert Tuners

�When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it�s best not to stir it.�
Z24 FReQ (Jarett) wrote:just out of curiousity, how did you do your tails?
It was quite easy.
1. Cleaned the crap out of them with alcohol prep pads (rob a first aid kit)
2. Sprayed 2 Very light coats of VHT Nightshades
3. 4 coats of Krylon Clear Triple Glaze
Thats it. Had them on for a year now and they still look new.
They are actually quite light in color. The pics make them look way darker than they really are. On a sunny day they look like cherry black almost.
Z24 FReQ (Jarett) wrote:just out of curiousity, how did you do your tails?
i have a can of it some where pay $5 and shipping i'll send it to ya i only used 3 sprays
err i was gana see if i could buy the big mouth from derekz24... so hard to find. anyone know of a bigmouth for sale?
Clean ride. what kit is it? Nice rims too.
Gotta keep on livin', L-I-V-I-N
I just wanted to say your car is my twin but I dont have the big mouth kit and Ive got orange interior I am switching to a cobalt blue interior this summer I like your progress for only having it for a year keep us updated.
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41