Ok im thinking about removing my tint to show off the interior does anyone have a kitted fire black or dark in colour without tint to give me a semi idea of what im looking at
i wouldnt do it justin
i will send you a pic later tonight of my new car to show you what a sunfire looks like with no tint on it.
NEW CAR 2001 Sunfire GT | 5 spd. | underconstruction
leave the tint bro black on black looks so good
I just want pics lol I know it looks good with tint but the interior is looking amazing I just dont see a point in hiding it so I need pics to see the exterior without it on a KITTED sunfire or even a fire with rims
on my sunalier, i had the back 3 windows tinted, and had the driver/pass window not tinted, and it really didnt look bad, and it was black....i dont know if i ever took any pics of it without the front windows tinted, but ill look for ya....
that helps a lil I mean I always have my windows down anyways just seems a shame to have as much done to my interior as what im doing and have it hidden with tint maybe ill wait and see what it looks like with the interior and go from there