Nice garage...lots of space....wish I had one like it
Keep us all updated, look pretty good sofar. The one charge pipe on the top near the valave cover...clearance problem me thinks

- Peace

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Nice garage.
Not impressed with the piping - you could have cut out a whole LOT of it if you'd opted to move a few stock parts to make room for shorter routing.
A little bit of imagination goes a long way.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

<---<<<Check Out The Ride!
I agree with the piping also. That piece coming off the intercooler doesnt even look like pipe. It looks like plastic or rubber. Otherwise good work and ill be posting pictures periodically on here with my turbo install and then ill make a post at the end of everything.
Just a few questions regarding my piping..... other than moving the battery tray, how else would run shorter pipes? Ive moved the fuse box, cruise control modules, and rebent the a/c lines. So, without removing the a/c or the battery where else could i have run my piping? My car is an automatic, and theres no room to go underneath. As far as the pipe comming off the intercooler, its real pipe, just has a grey primer on it. i Oh, and the pipe coming from the turbo does fit there, it was just set in there at the time of the pic to see where i could run it. Comments and tips are again always appreciated.
To make a long story short. I have my AC, Cruise control, all factory options as well as a bunch extra, an MSD box, a EBC box, a WB box, a distribution block, 2 neon transformers and a filter in my engine bay....
And I managed to have about 4-6 feet less piping than you, as well as less bends.
My battery is in its stock location. The tray was not moved or removed.
My point is - look again... there are many ways to run your pipes that don't involve going under the car.
Also - that pipe going over the upper engine mount - bad idea. It's gonna rub and rub and rub with engine movement and vibrations.
So sit down and give it a good look again. I'm sure you can find room.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Do you have any pics of your setup? Only reason im asking is the few people that have pics of there piping have both done it the same or relatively close to what i have. Im referring to QBE and NJHK. I helped Josh a very little on NJHKs car and im just wondering where your making up 6 feet of piping. Again, not trying to be a prick or anything, just somewhat confused. I need all the help i can get on the project.
Sunfighter GT, you're obviously talking about piping that you've run on your 2.4 manual transmission car. I could easily run very very short pipes on that car especially with the HO manifold. But until you've done piping on an auto eco don't knock how hes running his pipes. I made the hot side pipe for NJHK while josh was making the cold side pipe and I can tell you with 100% certainty there is NO way to run shorter pipes other than the following:
-Relocate the battery, which would cut out about a foot of piping possibly 2.
-Run the piping under the car, however due to the way the lower mount is on the Eco and the size of the auto tranny this would require the piping to sit lower than the oil pan which would result in dragging it on everything. Sure it would save some pipe length but for the trouble it would cause its really not worth it.
The piping looks good bro, just make sure you check bumper fitment that pipe on the cold side looks like it comes out pretty wide.
Slammed OHV....
The same could be same about an Auto 2.4
People said you can't run a CAI on an auto 2.4... I ran a 3" intake down past the auto tranny on a 2.4 - yeah I had to move a few things and it was a squeeze but its possible.
I'm not knocking anybody, the work is fine I'm just saying it's quite possible to cut out a chunk of that piping. You just need to be willing to relocate things and come up with new ideas to run certain aspects of the car.
It's not like I think I'm better than anybody, it's that I feel at times people don't really see better solutions that are possible. To give you a small example....
REMOVE THE WASHER BOTTLE and make/get a custom smaller one. Then run that pipe tight around the rad support, over the lower A-arm, and up past the battery tray. Yes, EVEN with an auto there is room.... if I fit a 3" pipe you can fit a 2.5" one.
You just need to be willing to look at things in this way..... nothing is impossible if you really sit down and rethink how things are engineered.
So no... I'm not "obviously" talking about piping on my car. I'm talking about piping on his, and a little ingenuity and creativity... that's all.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
sunfighterGT... .you can't go under the engine on the passenger side. It just doesn't work. The shape of the bracket for the mount and the oil pan do not allow any size pipe to fit under there without just going completely under it. You can't relocate the oil pan or the engine mount and it would be stupid to cut out the fender lining for charge piping. Over the upper engine mount is the only sensible way on an ecotec unless you have an intercooler with the entrance and exit on the same side in which case you can bring both pipes down the driver's side. You can relocate the battery to the trunk but that is totally preference. I hated it when my battery was in the trunk because it was just inconvenient.
Awesome stuff randy!
Read my post again - where did I ever say you could go under the engine? In fact where did I suggest it? I didn't...
My pipes run through the top of the engine bay too... and with a bit of relocation - yup... you guessed it... it doesn't go over the engine mount.
The ecotec sits in the exact same engine bay with the exact same room as my LD9. There isn't much difference.
So once again, I maintain my opinion that there were MUCH better ways to run that piping.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Sunfighter I've looked at the pictures of your engine bay. I can see what you mean about running yours around the mount through the use of a new container for the coolant, however I can't honestly see how you have "4-6 less feet" of piping than him. I mean don't get me wrong I love your setup and engine bay and have for a long time, but your pipe is every bit as long on the hot side, the only place its shorter is between the intercooler and tb. Which is what I said in my post...yea sure he could move the battery but it'd only shorten it up a foot or two. For all the trouble of battery relocation I can't see it being worth it except maybe just for a cleaner look, which in your case is obviously what you were going for. But I also cant see how going over the mount is so much of an issue. he has at least an inch or two of clearance of the mount, and theres no way its going to rub that. The a/c lines run there from the factory so obviously gm didnt see things running there as a problem. Like I said I can see where you're coming from, yes he could save a foot or two tops, but for the effort it would take its not really worth the headache or is it really nessecary.
sunfire gt wuts the big secret? i dont understand why you cant or wont show how you ran yours...
I have seen your charge pipes before; 4-6ft less? I don't believe it. Under the engine is the only way to save close to that much and it can only be done on a 2.4. I assumed you meant under the engine when you said 4-6ft because of that. Looking at your pictures... no way.
I know a thing or two about short charge pipes, so lets not get so deffensive with the sarcasim.
My set-up with 4-6ft saved:

(2g but there isn't another with shorter pipes.)
Sunfighter I can only guess from what you're saying that the eco mounts and 2.4 mounts are different. Personally I've never worked on a 2.4 so I cant speak from experience, but you'll see here in the picture of adam's car how much clearance is between the mount and pipe.
Its hard to tell but theres a good inch in there. I'd think he ran it the same way, but if he laid it on the mount I could see your cause for concern.
But bringing the pipe up under the battery tray is something i'll look into next time I'm doing a project like this. Thanks for the advice.
How did you know they called me the king of stubbies?
2.2 ohv/2200s have them in the front too and yet look at charge pipe layouts like Lee's. He has more charge piping than most hard pipe twin turbo set-ups.
If you did something similar to my layout and ran the charge pipes around the radiator instead of around the whole front of the car, that's awesome and I can see where you may be getting closer to 4ft, but you also have to take into consideration that relocating the battery means money in wires, the coolant and washer reseboirs mean money... everything you replace or relocate costs.
You are deffinately right that there are more efficient ways to run the pipes.. You also get my vote for best J-body engine bay.. period.... But I think the way randy did his is perfectly fine for his set-up.
King of Stubbies