Not running right now, but hopefully soon...

The exhaust doesn't normally stick out that far. The front 1/2 is off right now.
The turbo badge on the rear is the only one I am going to keep on there.
makes me miss my 88
treat her well, that looks like a fun ass car to drive
She's going to have a good life. Unfortunately no garage to house her in yet, but that will come hopefully soon.
As for fun to drive, OH YEAH!!! When she hits about 15 psi, you better have a good grip on the steering wheel!! She easily brakes the wheels loose on a 35 mph roll. Gets a lot of attention when spooling and even more when she sounds off.
And using the formula that I saw on here, using her best 1/8 mile time (8.83, don't know the mph), she should be hitting 13.77 in the 1/4. I have never raced a 1/4 mile, and hope to do so this year.
15 psi? are you sure. I've read that the boost gauges on those cars are a little optimistic. Nice ride though. My nephew had a sunbird gt vert that was the same color, stcik and a lot of fun to romp on. Good luck with it. what plans do you have?
Gotta keep on livin', L-I-V-I-N
stock was 9, iirc, but that intercooler sure doesn't look stock
really nice car, I want mine back now, lol.
The intercooler looks chopped to me? not sure though.
that car looks like hell on wheels. im sorry. maybe im sippin on some HATERade, but that car looks like a hunk of sh!t.
i want some more of it!!
HAHA. anyways. itl be sweet wen runnin
Thanks for the comments.
Bonestockz: Yes, I'm sure 15 psi. That's what the aftermarket gauge reads. The factory one reads 9. That's what the map sensor reads, anyway. As far as plans, I just want to tear down the engine and see what needs replacing. Not sure how crazy I'm going to get with the rebuild. Just want to get it running and I plan on dialing back the boost. I want to run it on the street at around 12 psi. My brother-in-law was running it at around 17.
yenkosuprcar: That intercooler is not chopped. It is for real. It came off a Conquest and was cut down and welded to fit.