looks good, simply simple....very nice and clean :-)
I like that kit, it's subtle, not too agressive.
perfect pics that piece of crap right beside the dumpster.... he he heh eh he he he heh e
I love it.
Looks amazing Doooooooooooooooooooooougall.
Very clean. Love those wheels on that color. Looking good as always.
Wow the upgrades to your are so simple but when put together they look so beautiful. Congratulations on the job you've done thus far. I wouldn't change a thing exterior-wise.
Clean & Simple, i love it.
Qwik2k2z24 wrote:your hot... oops i mean the cars lookin hot
aw @!#$ it.
i love u.
aww i love u too buddy *hugs* LOL!

Jbody Club of Ontario February 2006 Car of the Month
Hey man looks great! and not to thread jack but could you PM me a couple pics of the Gauge where the cig lighter was and give me a heads up on what you did. I sent a PM to ya but I dunno if ya got it. Thanks man and keep it up. Love that color!

2009 Ford Mustang V6