you say "summer front bumper"... why do people have so much trouble keeping those front bumpers on?? everyone that's missing one said, "snow got it..." I had an '02 Cav for 2 western Maryland winters and had no problems with that bumper falling off due to snow. I didn't go plowing with it... i mean really... why is it such a problem? Only problem I ever had with it was when a stupid racoon ran out in front of me at night, I hit it, it knocked it off and I ran over it... had to get a new one... but never any snow troubles...
agreed, i drove my slammed ls lip front bumper in the winter alll the time, and this is in CO, we get a decent aamount of snow, now would i drive with my freshly painted import fighter front in the snow?
def not
oh and i like the car, just not the red banners
CRF 80?
That's a kids bike..
what are you 12?
red is a hot color keep us posted on updates