Well, everyone must have been wondering why I was selling my body kit and everything else. Well, it's because I wanted to twin charge the cav. Of course, I wanted to think of a way to do it which would be different than anyone else. I'd been thinking about doing this for quite a while and finally decided to give it a go...
The only problem I can figure is how do I shut my hood so I can see?
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.
You should get the top charger polished to a mirror shine and then cut a big hole in your hood so it sticks out and looks all purdy. Just my $0.02, lol.
Now that some funny stuff there Ian ! Matter of fact you should take my Charger and Triple-Chage your ride and make it a real monster. Now that would be mad tight ! -Erik-
NightmareSS - 2005 Chevy Cobalt SS/SC STG 2
you don't need a stinkin hood, just leave the thing off
Go Premium, it builds character!
is that Jay's old charger?

Portage, MI
I know!!!!! Put it on the the exaust side of the engine and spin it backwards so it sucks the exaust out of the engine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! That would be a monster!!! LOL

Go Go OG Traction!!
Ryan, no it's not. But maybe I should snag his and triple charge it!
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.
lol Keep us posted looks interesting
Alex wrote:You should get the top charger polished to a mirror shine and then cut a big hole in your hood so it sticks out and looks all purdy. Just my $0.02, lol.
agreed , polished and cut hood
it will look bad ass at shows
just make sure you put some zoops seal on the polished 1 so it will hold up to the weather better
haha, looks like you might need a little more tension in that belt, you could probably get more psi if it wasn't slipping... lol
Just couldn't let Josh F. be the only one twin charged, eh?
All of us on JCA are still waiting to see dyno numbers from Josh though.
the more i think about ian's twin charged set up
i wonder what happened to the 240hp awd cavi sedan , i had done a couple years ago
dam it should be 280hp , not 240
Ian Lacey wrote:Ryan, no it's not. But maybe I should snag his and triple charge it!
Good answer, I wouldn't want my new toy in your hands
i have to see this run...
I love it
put it on the back side of the motor then...
so who from canada are you helping install this?

Portage, MI
LOL!! That is a good use of ghetto engineering. I will trade you half a turbo kit for the charger
99 Z24
Racers Edge
Johnny Mack Turbo Systems
Engineered Performance

"I was gone for a minute, but now I'm back..."