My car has sat since october, its moved once hahaha. Its almost overwelming how much there is to do, this is starting to suck
my closet is filled with parts and then there are boxes of parts piled up in front of it
injectors laying around
fuel rail laying aorund
turbo kit next to my bed
intercooler under my bed
don't even know wtf this is
boxes filled with air ride parts and a few other things
wheels in my laundry room
valve coverand ignition laying aorund
Today I actually started working on it, seeing what I could get done, plus I cleaned up in the house trying to get parts out of the way, which made it hard when my new seats showed up last monday adding to the mess. So as of today.....
this is my living room
this is my exterior
this is my interior/trunk/what used to be a stereo
hopefully one day it will be back together
for now its just a big @!#$ mess
I know the feeling.
for lottta of nice parts!
Yours will be so hot when its all together, no doubt. I know you can't wait. Get her together NOW or soon!!!
I cant wait to put all of my bunch parts which is laying all over in my basement from me tearing and stripping my old red one. I know I'll have them all together one day soon.
- Darren -||- -||-
If it bothers you so much to have the parts lying around your house, trust me, there are about a million of us out here that would gladly pay the shipping to get them out of your way...
jeez... waah... I have a turbo kit, intercooler, injectors, nice wheels and tires and a suspension kit lying around creating clutter...
cry me a river
... or just FedEx them my way
get off your ass and put your car back together
Yeah let me know sometime if you need a hand working on it, im gonna leave tommorrow at like 3:30 to possibly get mine, if its late enough ill drop by, but ill give you a hand some time installing stuff, id like to get to know the same motor so let me know, sorry i couldnt make it for the weekend, maybe some other time, i would have been there if i could. and how about you give me one of those intakes for my Bday
bish. peace out. and your gay.
i hear ya....mine was down since the beging on january and i was tripping over boxes and i have no boxes and a car i can drive...
So why is it just sitting there and all the parts gathering up in piles?........I think you should call in some help and get the thing back together cause it was one of my favs...
It'll be back together soon enough, I had the strip the inside to start with the sound deadener, its will be a long slow process but it will be back together eventually
You should hire a maid....
Your living room looks a lot like my bedroom did a couple months ago.
You just have to show off.. Turbo next to ur bed to help you sleep at night? Soothes you knowing u can reach over and grab a Turbo or BOV.. lol
Looks good man
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
should of left it the way it was.. lol
Mothers tell your kids that Drift Rear's are UGLY! lol
i got first dibs on the front clip
i got silver 02 parts to send you in return
i got parts lined up for several cars , so feel lucky your only doing 1 car
what seats are those? and do you have to modify the brackets any to make them fit? also how much did they cost? damn i cant wait to see this car back together
Jesus... My basement looks the same as your living room.. I gotta wait till college is done b4 i can start with mine...
Carbon Cavi wrote:what seats are those? and do you have to modify the brackets any to make them fit? also how much did they cost? damn i cant wait to see this car back together
Dont know how often he gets back on here but they are the old seats, custom sliders to fit his car they were for sale, maybe they are sold.
And dougall,check your pm's.
they are the ones from A+
does jason ship with custom brackets or do you have to modify them?