Well I was bored and decided to take a few pics of the car and some parts I have laying around. The car is close to be being assembled and will be sent off for paint hopefully within the week. I recently did the 00+ headlight conversion, got the type-j bumper, rid of my CF hood and fenders, bought a ceramin coated pace setter header, some new breaks, attempted (and might have failed) to fiberglass a dash (my first try) and car will also be getting bagged in the next few week. Anyways, heres some pics of the stuff and of some issues I am having
First of the car. Note, hood is open, bumper is not attached, just laid on there and car is FILTHY from sitting over winter. Something about this bumper makes me think Sedan for some reason....the silver sedan with the type is etched in my brain and everytime I look at this bumper thats what I see.
Now issue #1 - is this gap supposed to exist between headlight and bumper?
Now for my sideskirts - Im hoping when it goes to get painted this can get fixed but has anyone else had this problem and how did you fix it? (Door is chipped from hitting fender)
Some new brakes from Powerslot
As Link Because Pic is Huge
My Fiberglass dash...the area around the defroster gave my problems. the fabric didnt stick to the dash and create and air pocket between the dash and where the resin and FG are
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As Link Because Pic is Huge
My Fiberglassed door panels I had done
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And lo and behold, I thought i was doing great, car wasnt even driven, I looked at it yesterday and guess what appeared. The Infamous Dash Crack has made its prescence known
As Link Because Pic is Huge
Comments, slander, insults, etc are welcome
well obviosuly make sure you fix the side skirt. mine did the EXACT same thing and i didnt fix it right away, well the door started to catch on it, which after a while cracked it. and now i have a nice chunk missing from it catching on the door for like 3 months, while my dumb ass didnt fix it. so now i have to fix that to. as far as fixing it, i just used some black screws to hold it on, or me and my dad were going to just silicone it back on.
when i had my type j sides i tried using the double sided tape that came with them and had the exact same problem that you are having. i removed the tape and used screws and that took care of the problem
car looks great
For the turnsignal problem, did u get teh corner brackets? If not thats why, If u do have it that could be why also, it could be bent a lil. if u dont know what im talking about, look in the pic below. there is a braket(painted flat black in the pic) and it just simply bolts downa dn that will have a hole for teh corner to go into that'll pull it in to sit flush and hold the back in better.
The 00+ Brackets are only one piece, they are not seperate.
You dont have to take your fenders off...I didnt on mine...I just drilled out the 95-99 brackets and put the 00+ ones in....
Sand the red ones down and paint them flat black, you can barely even see them anyways, but I would put them on....