As u can see, it just replaces the vent.
Someone else did this, recently, and people were courious to what it'd look like installed.
Here is MY verison.
i'd say clean it and it would look sweet
I'm contemplating getting one of those made up
oh yeah, I can see it just fine.
and I do need to clean the gauge face, and i'll probably wet sand it with 1200 to get the same color as the dimmer switch
I would've angled it and set the gauge into the piece a bit. But it's a great idea.
i only worry about the heat and/or coldblowing directly on it
I rarely use the a.c but that'd probably be better on them than the heat. Plus in winter, the heat normally directs to the winsheild and the floor in my car. I don't use the center vents much.
OH! and a big plus is, you can aim the gauge up or down! since its still using the vent housing. Snaps right into place!
Clean it up a little theres bumps you can still see, did you just glass over the vent?
like I said, i still need to wet sand it.
Thats the good thing about mounting into the vents. You can actually aim the gauges. Works even better on round vents that swivel in all directions. I have my gauges mounted in the two middle vents of my 03 Sunfire dash. My favorite mod yet.