that is so last year
Mothers tell your kids that Drift Rear's are UGLY! lol
I sure do like black J's w/ lambo's
that is really clean, and really low, CLEAN-N-LOW!!!!!!
fully built 2200-TO4E T3/T4-HP tuners-373hp @18psi
1 HOT Z (Mark A) wrote:I sure do like black J's w/ lambo's ![](/global/images/emoticons/ad.gif)
Like we couldn't figure THAT out ....
Car looks great! But ... is that a dent on the trunk lid, right where it turns down to the trunk? Do you have any close up pics of your door panels? Looks pretty sweet from what I saw.
i personally like the dent in the trunk
j/k man looks great
how was the install? ill be installing mine pretty soon, any tips?
looks great man. someday, when god likes me, ill get lambos too lol
and i like the trunk dent, it flows nicely with the... no , im just bs'in
The dent can't be fixed... well they said they can atempt to fix it... and itll cost 700 canadian.. . so im ordering a CF lid... make sure when u install these keep the doors on the car.. so much easier when adjusting... and u dont haveta splice the wires... near the hood release and in the same spot but on the passenger side... theres a clip holding the wires... just undo the clip and ull have lotsa room to play with... and for the panels... heres some pics....
Thats a really nice car. I love the rims.
Looks awesome I really like it a lot. My car has lambos.. but its not REALLY black its black primer if that counts
and yeah.. you dont have to extend wires.. I have a 2001 and power everything and so it was worst case, but there was enough slack on pass. just by pulling.. on driver I pulled off the door sill and unclipped the wires there and pulled.. then cover up the wires with loom of your choice.. they have it at RS ( I know because im here 45 hours a week ) lol
Thats a nice ride you got there...nice and clean too!
Keep up the good work.....
Silver Stripey makes your Day!
car looks mint man, i just noticed your from suds. we should meet up sometime.
add me to msn if you have it (email address in profile)
very nice man.
air ride and lambos look hot on your car.
that's one of my wish lists for next season...
B-E-A-Utiful car. After the C/F trunk lid, the only thing I would do to it is get some nice Leather racing seats.
needs better rims
they are so plain for all that youve done
Sexy ... gives me an idea of what mine would look like..
You're definitely taking adam's old car in a great direction. I remember that car and mine taking some pics a few years back. Keep it up!